Daily Devotional for October 5, 2020
Lies Don’t Stick

Lily was crying when her mom came to get her after school. “What’s wrong?” asked Mom as Lily got into the car.
Between sobs, Lily said, “One of the girls told the kids I’m afraid to ride home on the bus.”
“We both know that’s not true,” said Mom. “I come to get you so you can get to soccer practice and piano lessons and your other after-school activities on time.”
“I tried to tell the class that, but I don’t think they believed me,” said Lily.
“Well, they’ve known you a long time and should know better than to fall for a lie about you,” said Mom. “But even if they do, it doesn’t change the truth.”
When they arrived home after Lily’s piano lesson, Mom got out a set of watercolors and a roll of wax paper. “Here, Lily. I want you to try something.” Mom tore off a sheet of wax paper and handed it to Lily. “Try painting on this.”
“You’re kidding.” said Lily. “On wax paper?”
“Just try it,” said Mom. So Lily brushed some blue paint on the wax paper and tried to paint a river. The paint slid every which way. Then it stopped and formed what looked like drops of rain. Lily groaned.
“Try painting something else,” suggested Mom.
Lily dipped her brush into the green paint and tried to paint a tree. But once again, the paint moved all around. Then it beaded up like the blue paint had done.
“I give up,” said Lily. “None of the paint will stick.”
“You’re right,” said Mom. “And it’s the same with lies. People may say untrue things about you, but no matter what others may think of you, Jesus’ opinion of you will never change. You’re His child, and He loves you and is helping you grow to be more like Him. Even though it hurts when others tell or believe lies about you, it doesn’t change the truth. Remember you belong to Jesus and that He’s always with you. When you stand firm in that truth, it will help others see the truth about you too.”
Lily put down her paintbrush. “Okay, Mom. Instead of being afraid of lies, I’ll remember the truth.” • David J. Belleau
How about you?
Has someone told a lie about you? It hurts when someone says things about you that are not true—and it hurts when others believe them. But lies don’t change the truth. Jesus loves you, and His opinion of you is the only one that matters. He won’t ever leave you, no matter what others say about you. When others spread lies about you, stand firm in the truth of who you are in Him.
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