Daily Devotional for April 15, 2019
Let’s Trade

“Hey, what are you doing with that twig?” Noah asked, pointing to a small plant inside the pail his friend Trent was holding.
“It’s an apple tree,” replied Trent.
“No kidding? Looks like a dead stick to me.” Noah shook his head and changed the subject. “I’m going to go try my new skateboard on those ramps at the park,” he said, holding up a well-worn skateboard. “Well, this isn’t exactly new, but it’s new to me. Want to come along?”
“I wish I could,” said Trent, “but I have to go plant this thing. My uncle gave it to me and said to plant it right away.”
Noah looked at the twig in Trent’s bucket. “Is that really an apple tree? How long before there are apples on it?”
“Years and years,” Trent said with a sigh. He looked at Noah’s skateboard. “Where’d you get your skateboard?”
“Mom got it at a garage sale,” said Noah. “Hey, want to trade with me?”
Trent’s eyes widened. “You mean you’d trade your skateboard for this tiny apple tree?”
Noah held out the skateboard. “Try me and see.”
Trent quickly reached out and took the skateboard. “All right!” he said, handing Noah the pail. So Noah headed home with the little tree, and Trent took off for the park.
When Noah got home, he showed his mom the tree in the bucket. “I traded my skateboard for this. You don’t mind, do you?”
“I don’t mind,” Mom said, “but Trent’s parents might, so don’t plant the tree quite yet. First we need to see if they want it.” She smiled at Noah. “You made a good trade—you gave up a little fun right now for a lot of fruit in the future. It reminds me of Moses in the Bible. He chose to give up the temporary pleasures of sin in order to obey God and lead the Israelites to the promised land. We do the same thing when we choose to follow Jesus.”
“We do?” said Noah.
Mom nodded. “When we put our trust in Him, He gives us eternal life and produces good things in us. The things this world has to offer don’t last, but the fruit Jesus grows in our lives lasts forever!”
How about you?
Are you totally focused on the things of this world, like having cool stuff or doing fun things—maybe even things that are wrong? Those things might seem fun for a while, but they don’t last, and sin always ends up hurting you. Jesus is the only one who can bring lasting good into your life. Trust Him and enjoy eternal life with Him forever!
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