Daily Devotional for October 6, 2018
Let’s Roll

“Lose your kickball scrimmage?” Dad asked. Jason buckled his seatbelt.
“No. It’s Adrian again.”
“The boy who uses a wheelchair?” Dad grinned. “He’s funny.”
“Dad! Should you say that about someone who can’t walk?”
“Why not? He wears a T-shirt that says ‘A Wheelchair Is How I Roll.’” Dad put the car in reverse. “He must have a great sense of humor.”
“I don’t know why he wants to play with us anyway.” Jason shoved his dirty sneakers into his duffle bag. “Don’t they have Special Olympics for kids like him? He should just play with his own kind of kids.”
Dad put the car in gear. “Grab the Bible out of the glove compartment, Jason. I want to show you something.”
Jason sighed. “You don’t have to read me a Bible verse about being nice, Dad. I don’t do anything mean to Adrian.”
“Just turn to 2 Samuel 9.” He waited for Jason to read the passage. “Well?”
“I get it,” Jason said. “King David asks if there’s anyone left in his friend Jonathan’s family and learns Jonathan has a son named Mephibosheth who’s lame. So David finds him and tells him, ‘Do not fear, for I will surely show you kindness…and you shall eat bread at my table continually.’”
“King David didn’t ignore Mephibosheth or make him sit a separate table for people with disabilities,” Dad said. “David included him. That story is a picture of what Jesus does for us. He died so we could be included at His table, even though we’re sinners. And He wants us to include others.”
Jason twitched his eyebrows the way he always did when he was thinking. “But how can we include Adrian? You have to run in kickball. He can’t run.”
“That’s your puzzle to solve,” Dad said.
The next afternoon on the kickball diamond, Jason assigned positions to his team’s players.
“Who’s pitching?” someone asked.
Someone on the sideline caught Jason’s eye. Adrian.
“Wait.” Jason jogged over to where Adrian sat. “Can you pitch? You just have to roll the ball to the kicker.”
Adrian’s face lit up, and he patted his chair. “I’m an expert at rolling. I’d love to pitch!” – Holland Webb
How about you?
Do you include everyone you can in games and other activities? Even if it takes some extra effort to include someone with a special need? We all have a need for Jesus. If He hadn’t died for us, we could never be included in His reward in heaven. How can you show others His kindness by including them?
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