Daily Devotional for March 1, 2024
Lessons from a Praying Mantis

Kyle stared out the window, his homework forgotten on the table in front of him. He had been daydreaming, not very interested in solving his math problems, when he noticed a praying mantis perched on the bush outside. Kyle was mesmerized by the interesting creature. The mantis didn’t move; he stood still with his front legs held together, looking like he was praying.
As Kyle continued to watch, he saw an insect land on a branch right in front of the creature. All at once, the praying mantis lunged forward and grabbed the insect. Wow, he’s hunting! Kyle thought to himself.
He was still watching the praying mantis when his mom walked in.
“Homework done?” Mom asked.
“Not yet, but look at this praying mantis. Is he cool or what? He just caught his dinner a few minutes ago.” Kyle proceeded to tell his mom about how the praying mantis had remained still in a praying stance until an insect had appeared on the branch in front of him and then snatched it up.
“That’s pretty neat. God sure created some interesting creatures. You know, Kyle, the praying mantis always reminds me of how the Bible tells us to pray. There’s a verse that tells us to stay alert and be persistent in our prayers.”
“That sounds like a praying mantis waiting to catch a bug,” said Kyle.
Mom nodded. “The praying mantis is in his ready stance, waiting with confidence, knowing he will catch his dinner. As Christians, we need to be in that ready stance of prayer too. The Bible reminds us that we are dependent on God to provide for us and help us in everything we do, and He wants us to bring our needs and requests to Him in prayer. Just like the praying mantis is confident he will catch his dinner; we can be confident that God will hear us when we pray and that He will answer us. We are His beloved children, so even when He doesn’t answer the way we want, we can trust Him to do good things through our prayers, knowing that He gave His own Son so we could have the joy and peace of Jesus in our lives.”
“Wow, that’s really cool!” Kyle grinned and folded his hands. “Now I’m in my ready stance too.”
–Lisa Fuller
How about you?
Are you in a ready stance of prayer, trusting God to listen to your requests? You can be confident that He hears you and will answer your prayers. That doesn’t mean He’ll always answer the way you want, but He promises to use your prayers to do good things in your life and in the lives of others. So keep praying, and be ready to take hold of the answers God provides.
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