Daily Devotional for February 11, 2021
Lesson from a Dog

“Can you take Sammy for a walk?” Dad asked as Josh walked in from school.
“He’s been cooped up all day.”
“So have I,” Josh said, grabbing the leash. “I don’t like my new school.”
“I know,” Dad said. “I’m not a big fan of my new job yet either.”
“Why did we come here then?” Josh asked.
“Let’s walk Sammy together and talk about it,” Dad suggested.
They started down the sidewalk, Sammy pulling harder with each step. “He wants to run,” Josh said. “Can I take off his leash?”
“Not yet. We’ll let him loose once we get to the dog park.” Dad looked at Josh. “You know, Mom and I felt God wanted us to move closer to Grandma now that Grandpa’s gone. We also believe that the school system here will be better for Angie.”
Josh nodded. His younger sister had autism. “Why couldn’t God have just healed Angie and kept Grandpa alive?” He tightened his grip on the leash as Sammy saw a cat across the street and started barking and pulling. “He’s going to break this leash if I don’t let him go!”
Dad took the leash from Josh. “If you let him go, he’ll chase that cat and get hit by a car. He doesn’t realize we’re protecting him.”
“Our job would sure be easier if he could just understand that.”
Dad laughed. “Maybe God feels the same way about us. Sammy isn’t smart enough to understand why we do the things we do. And we can’t understand everything God does either. This move may seem like a bad idea to us because we don’t think like God.”
Josh smiled. “Are you saying I think like a dog?”
“No,” Dad said. “You think like a human.”
“But God doesn’t,” Josh added, pushing open the park gate.
“Exactly.” Dad unhooked the leash, and Sammy ran circles around the nearest tree. “We don’t know why God allowed Grandpa to die or Angie to have autism, but we need to remember that He loves us so much He sent His own Son into our broken world to save us and promises to work everything out for our good. Maybe someday it will make sense to us,” Dad said, then pointed to Sammy. “But right now, we just have to trust Him.” • Heather Tekavec
How about you?
Are there things in your life that just don’t make sense? Do you get frustrated at God because of them? Instead of doubting God, remember that His understanding is far superior to our own. When we have to face difficult things we don’t understand, He promises to be with us and work them out for good. He is a great God who loves you; trust Him when you don’t understand. (NKJV)
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