Daily Devotional for June 22, 2022
Just Outside Ella’s Window

Ella stood absolutely still when she noticed a pair of robins surveying the crook of a branch in the maple tree outside her bedroom window. Over the next few days, she saw them come with twigs and bits of leaves they had gathered to make their nest. Ella giggled when one of them brought back a piece of ribbon it had found.
Each day, Ella observed the progress on the nest, and one morning she saw an egg in it. Soon four sky-blue eggs lay in the nest. When the tiny birds finally broke from their shells, Ella excitedly shared the news with her family. Six-year-old Noah seemed especially interested in watching the parent birds care for the babies.
One afternoon, lightning flashed and…CRASH! A terrible thunderstorm erupted. “I’m scared!” said Noah. “Do you think the baby birds are scared too?”
“Let’s go check on them,” said Ella, and they hurried to her room. Noah snuggled against her as they looked out and saw that the branch holding the nest was swaying back and forth.
“Look,” said Ella, pointing to the nest. “See how that mother bird spreads her wings to protect her babies? She covers them so they won’t get hurt. Isn’t that cool? They trust her to keep them safe. I don’t think they’re afraid at all.”
“I get scared sometimes,” Noah said. “I’m afraid of the mean kids at school, and sometimes I’m afraid of the dark. Big dogs scare me too.”
Ella nodded sympathetically. “Everyone’s afraid of something. Sometimes I’m afraid of what others might think of me, or I worry about my grades.” She smiled. “But do you know what God uses as an example of how He cares for us?” Noah shook his head. “I learned a verse about it,” said Ella. “God says that like a mother bird’s wings cover and protect her babies, He protects us. So we can trust Him. Okay?”
Noah smiled. “Okay.”
Ella nodded as she herself suddenly realized the truth of God’s Word. “God is with us, and no storm is stronger than His love for us. No matter what happens, we’re safe in Jesus, who died to give us eternal life.”
There was a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder, but Noah didn’t even flinch. “Thank you, God, for taking care of us,” he whispered.
-Linda Weddle
How about you?
Are you afraid of the dark? Of death? Or that somebody won’t like you? The Bible often uses word pictures to illustrate God’s truths. The way a mother bird protects her babies when danger threatens is a picture of how carefully and completely God watches over you in all of life’s storms. Whenever you feel afraid, remember that Jesus is with you. Trust Him.
Today's Verse
He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge. (NKJV) Psalm 91:4 NKJV
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