Daily Devotional for February 10, 2021
Just Like Dad

Hazel laughed as she watched her little brother Jake playing in the living room. He had climbed up into Dad’s favorite chair and was pretending to read a book. As he crossed his feet and tried to make them reach the footstool, he shouted, “Look at me! I’m just like Daddy!”
Hazel couldn’t resist giving Jake a big hug. “Wait right there so we can show Mommy what a big boy you are!” she said.
By the time Hazel returned to the living room with Mom, Jake had put the book down on his lap and was pretending to fall asleep. He was even leaning back with his hands behind his head, the way Dad did when he fell asleep reading. “Isn’t that cute, Mom?” Hazel giggled. “He’s trying to be just like Dad.”
Mom nodded. “That’s how children learn. They imitate the people they see.”
“Did I ever do that?” asked Hazel. “Did I imitate you?”
“Sure you did,” said Mom. “You used to pretend you were making dinner. You would get the pots and pans out of the cupboard and tell me you were making mash ’tatoes!”
Hazel laughed. “That sounds like me. I still like to make mashed potatoes.”
“Actually, this reminds me of my Bible reading earlier today,” said Mom. “Children imitate parents and other adults, and God wants His children to imitate Jesus.”
“But we can’t see Jesus! How can we imitate someone we can’t even see?” Hazel paused. “Oh, wait a minute! We have the Bible. It tells us how Jesus lived!”
“Yes,” said Mom. “That’s one reason we need to read and study it. It tells us how much Jesus loves us—so much He sacrificed His life on the cross so we could be saved. It also tells us how Jesus responded to people during His ministry on earth. We learn about His relationship with God the Father and how He loved and trusted Him. We see characteristics of His personality and how He acted in various situations. As we study His life and trust Him to help us follow His example in our own lives, we learn how to live like He did.” • Deana L. Rogers
How about you?
Who do you imitate? A parent? A teacher? A sports figure? Kids—and adults too—often imitate other people. That’s okay if those people are good influences, but don’t limit yourself to imitating them. The Bible says Jesus is our prime example. Are you imitating Him? Read the Bible to learn more about Him and His love for people. Then follow His example in your own life.
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