Daily Devotional for June 5, 2018
Just a Mite

I.wish I could be a missionary, Franklin thought as he listened to the
special speaker at church. Maybe I will be one someday. When the missionary offering was taken, he watched as people around him took out their checkbooks. I wish I had some money to give, he thought. Then he suddenly remembered he had a few coins in his pocket. At least I can give that!
After supper the next day, Franklin went with his father to visit Mr. Blair, an elderly neighbor. Franklin sat and talked with him while Dad fixed a leaky faucet. “I wish I could be a big help to people like my dad is,” Franklin said as he watched his dad work.
“Why, Franklin, I think you’re a very helpful person,” Mr. Blair said with a smile. “You’re helping make an old man like me happy by talking with me.”
Franklin looked surprised. “I am?” He sighed. “I just wish I could do more important stuff and give lots of money to help missionaries—maybe even be a missionary myself. Then I’d really be doing something worthwhile.”
“Did you ever hear of the widow’s mite?” asked Mr. Blair.
“Widow’s mite?” Franklin shook his head. “A mite is a bug, right?”
Mr. Blair slapped his bony knee and laughed. “There is an insect called a mite, but I was thinking of another meaning of the word,” he said. “It can mean a small amount of something. The phrase ‘widow’s mite’ comes from a Bible story. Jesus saw a widow drop just two small coins, called mites, into the collection box. Because she gave all she possibly could, Jesus said that in God’s sight, she gave more than people who put in larger amounts.” Mr. Blair smiled at Franklin. “You may not think you’re very useful to Jesus, but when you do little things out of love for Him, you’re giving a lot and showing others who He is.”
“So I don’t have to grow up before I can serve God after all,” Franklin said. He grinned. “I’ll just keep on giving a widow’s mite—even though I’m not a widow!” – Carolyn Yost
How about you?
Does what you do for Jesus seem like too little to be worth anything? God looks at your heart and counts the smallest acts done in love as special gifts from you. Even a friendly smile given to a lonely person is a precious gift to Jesus. He sees the love for Him that’s in your heart. Don’t wait until you’re older to serve Him. Serve Him now.
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