Daily Devotional for February 23, 2021
Jesus’ Pit Crew

Pete and Grandpa were watching a car race on TV, but Grandpa was having trouble understanding the rules. “It doesn’t seem fair,” he said. “Car number 5 was winning until he went into the pits for a tire change. The pit crew was too slow, so the driver lost the race. It wasn’t really his fault.”
“No,” Pete said. “But they’re a team. Just like in soccer, if one player messes up, the whole team loses.”
“I guess that makes sense,” Grandpa said as Pete’s sister, Dawn, walked in.
“Leo just called to remind you he’s bringing Tommy to the game night at church tomorrow,” she told Pete. “He wants you to be there too.”
“I’m not going,” Pete said. “I don’t like game night.”
Dawn shrugged and walked out. Grandpa turned to Pete. “It sounds like Leo is counting on you.”
Pete shrugged. “Tommy is Leo’s friend, not mine. I don’t need to be there.
Anyway, there’s another race tomorrow. Do you want to watch it with me?”
“I don’t know,” Grandpa said. “Is that pit crew still going to be there?”
“Of course, Grandpa. They’re a team, remember?”
Grandpa nodded thoughtfully, then asked, “Do you know that you’re part of a team?”
Pete couldn’t think of any team that he was on, so Grandpa explained.
“The Bible tells us that believers are one team. It says we’re like parts of one body working together; it says we are one mind and one voice, and it says God has given
us all different gifts so we can work together to build up the church and show Jesus’ love to others. That’s just like a team, right?”
“Well…yeah, I guess,” Pete said.
“It sounds to me like Leo needs a teammate to help him get his friend to the finish line. He wants Tommy to know Jesus loves him, and he needs your help to do what
he can to make that happen.”
“You think I need to be the pit crew?” Pete asked.
Grandpa smiled. “Try to imagine how much worse car number 5 would have
done if the pit crew hadn’t shown up.”
“I’d better go call Leo,” Pete said. “I don’t want to let my team down.” • Heather Tekavec
How about you?
Did you know that, if you’re a believer, you’re part of a team? You’re on Jesus’ pit crew! It might mean helping others show His love to a newcomer or stepping in to help at church, a local mission, or anywhere Christians are serving the Lord together. Not everybody is equipped to do every job, but everybody is able to help somewhere. Support your team by helping other believers serve Jesus.
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