Daily Devotional for December 11, 2022
Jesus Is the Reason

Josiah stared out the car window as his dad drove slowly past the lit-up homes. The lights seemed extra bright this Christmas. There were red, white, green, and blue lights strung along roof lines and door frames, wrapped around porch columns, and draped across tree branches. Inflatable Santas, snowmen, and reindeer stood on front lawns, some of them taller than his dad.
When they turned the corner, Josiah noticed that one of the houses only had a single light. A spotlight sat on the grass, illuminating a large sign with words written in red.
“Jesus is the reason for the season,” Josiah read. “What does that mean?”
“I know,” said Tiana, his older sister. “It means that Jesus is more important than all the other stuff we focus on at Christmas—like presents, cookies, decorations, or getting two weeks off from school, my personal favorite.”
Mom turned around in her seat. “That’s right, Tiana. It’s good to celebrate the holiday with all those things, but we need to remember that it’s Jesus we’re celebrating. It can be easy to get caught up with the glitter and busyness of the holiday and forget to gaze at the one true light that came to earth in the form of a tiny baby—Jesus!”
Josiah was confused. “How can a baby be a light?”
“Jesus is the light of the world,” Dad told Josiah. “He is God, but He became human so He could save us and be with us. Everyone who trusts in Him will always have His light shining in their hearts.”
“I don’t like the dark,” said Josiah. “I need a night-light.”
Dad chuckled. “We all get frightened at times, especially when we can’t see what is around us or what might hurt us. We stumble in the darkness, just like we did when the power went out last week.”
“I stubbed my toe looking for a flashlight,” said Tiana.
“It was scary,” said Josiah.
“But when we have the light of Jesus in our hearts, we’re no longer in spiritual darkness. He’s always with us and shows us the right way to go.” Mom smiled. “I have an idea. These Christmas lights are beautiful, but they’ll be turned off soon. Let’s go home and read about the birth of Jesus, our everlasting light!”
-Bonnie Carr
How about you?
When December arrives, do you look forward to new toys, gingerbread cookies, holiday music, and colorful decorations? Those are all fun things to enjoy during the Christmas season, but don’t forget that Jesus is the reason we celebrate. After all the presents have been opened and the lights and decorations have been put away, His light continues to shine in the hearts of those who trust in Him. Make this Christmas season bright by celebrating Jesus.
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