Daily Devotional for November 29, 2021
Jesus Is Enough

Jessie rolled her wheelchair to the bedroom mirror and stared at her reflection. I can’t do anything, she thought as tears filled her eyes. I’m not enough.
Mom peeked inside her room. “Jessie, I’m going to the store and could use your help—oh, honey!” Mom rushed over. “Why are you crying?”
“Since the accident, I can’t do what other kids can. I know, Jesus loves and accepts me—even if I have nothing to offer.” Jessie wiped her tears. “But sometimes it’s hard. How can I help at the store? I can’t even push a shopping cart.”
Mom sat on Jessie’s bed. “When I was in school, we learned about a girl who didn’t think she could do much either. Her name was Helen Keller. When she was just a baby, she had a sickness that caused her to become blind and deaf. Amazingly, she learned how to write and speak. She eventually became the first blind and deaf person to earn a college degree and published several books in her lifetime.”
“Wow,” Jessie said. “That’s incredible!”
Mom nodded. “She didn’t let her inabilities stop her, and she inspired many others.”
Jessie thought about that. “Maybe I shouldn’t focus on what I can’t do but pray about what I can do with God’s help.”
“Jesus helps us do great things—even with the little we have,” Mom said. “But remember that it’s not anything we do that gives us our worth—it’s God’s love for us. He created us in His own image, and Jesus died and rose again to save us from sin. We’re enough because we belong to Him. And He uses our weaknesses to do things we never could do on our own. That way He gets the glory, or the credit, as He should.” Mom smiled as Jessie wheeled closer. “Remember how Jesus fed thousands of people with one boy’s ‘not enough’ lunch?”
Jessie nodded. “I remember that story.”
“Jesus did a huge miracle with a small lunch,” Mom said. “And He does the same with us. Jesus is enough, which makes us enough.”
“I’ll remember I’m always enough because of Him.” Jessie smiled at her mom. “Let’s go to the store. I’d like to help!”
-Matt Shoemaker
How about you?
Do you ever feel like you’re not enough? If you know Jesus, He makes you enough. And He can take the little you have and do amazing things with it. No matter what your situation is, He will use your life to bring His goodness and love to more people. Whenever you feel inadequate, go to Him. Remember that you’re always enough because He loves you.
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