Daily Devotional for March 15, 2021
Jaxon’s Bug Collection (Part 1)

“Thank you for our food and for Dad who works so hard,” Jaxon prayed out loud at dinner one night. “And please, God, help Luca do better at school.” He finished his prayer and said amen.
Dad passed the spaghetti to Jaxon. “I’m glad you prayed for Luca. How is he doing?”
“About the same,” Jaxon replied. He shook his head. “He’s so weird, and nobody likes him. He’s always talking out of turn and asking dumb questions. He dresses funny too—you wouldn’t believe some of the clothes he wears! It’s no wonder he doesn’t have any friends. And you know what else? We’re supposed to have our bug collections all done by Monday, and Luca hasn’t even started. He’s lazy!”
“How many bugs do you have?” asked Jaxon’s little sister, Stephanie.
“Lots,” said Jaxon. “I even have a praying mantis. We learned they’ll eat almost any insect, including their own kind.”
“Does your praying mantis really pray?” Stephanie asked.
“Of course not!” Jaxon laughed. “It’s called that because of the way it puts its front legs together. Did you think it said a prayer for one of its friends and then ate it?”
Dad looked at Jaxon thoughtfully. “People sometimes do that. They say a prayer for someone, and then they eat that person.”
“Ew, Dad!” Jaxon made a face. “People don’t eat each other!”
“They don’t eat each other physically,” agreed Dad. “But the Bible refers to gossiping, criticizing others, and finding fault with them as devouring one another. So saying unkind things about people behind their backs is a little like chewing on them, isn’t it?”
“I…I guess,” Jaxon said as he twirled spaghetti around his fork.
“You prayed for Luca, and that’s good,” said Dad. “But the words you said in your prayer didn’t match the words that came after it. When we pray for someone, we need to remember how Jesus sees that person. Jesus loves Luca, even though he’s not perfect—just like He loves you. When you remember that, you can find ways to encourage Luca instead of hurting him by talking behind his back.” • Valerae C. Murphy
How about you?
Do you know someone who needs prayer and encouragement? Do you pray for that person—and then talk about them behind their back? That’s not the way to help someone. You need to build them up with encouraging words. Pray for them and remember that Jesus loves them. Then use the words you say to them and about them to help build them up.
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