Daily Devotional for July 29, 2017
It’s the Law

Graham set a large birthday present on his knees and shut the car door. Mom fastened her seat belt and turned to Graham. “You don’t have your seat belt on,” she said.
“I can’t reach it while I’m holding this present,” said Graham. “It’s only two blocks to Cameron’s house, so I don’t need it anyway.”
“Oh yes, you do!” said Mom. “A lot of accidents happen close to home, and a seat belt could save your life. Here, let me help you.” Mom reached over and buckled his seat belt. “There. Now we can go.” She started the car and backed out of the driveway. “Seat belts were put in cars to protect us. And don’t forget—the law says we have to use them.”
“The law,” repeated Graham. “That sounds like something we talked about in church—God’s law. God gave us rules like the Ten Commandments to protect us, but no one could obey them, so that’s why Jesus had to die for us. Or something like that—I didn’t quite understand all of it.”
Just then a ball bounced into the street in front of them. Mom hit the brakes and the car screeched to a stop—inches away from a little boy who had dashed after the ball. Graham lurched forward, but his seat belt tightened, holding him back. The little boy grabbed the ball and ran back into his yard.
“If you hadn’t made me wear my seat belt, I would have smashed right into the dashboard!” said Graham.
Mom nodded and started driving again. “Thank goodness you had your seat belt on. But were you able to buckle it yourself?”
“Well, no,” said Graham. “I was holding Cameron’s present, so you had to buckle it for me.”
“Right,” said Mom. “And that’s what Jesus does for us. Sin is like that present you’re holding. It makes us unable to obey God’s law—none of us is good enough to have eternal life with Him. That’s why Jesus had to die for us. When we trust in Him, He buckles His goodness around us like a seat belt—He saves us!”
“Oh—I think I get it now!” Graham smiled. “Thanks for buckling my seat belt, Mom—you saved me! And I’m thankful Jesus saved me too.”
– Eunice C. Matchett
How about you?
Do you always wear your seat belt? Seat belts save lives—that’s why a lot of places have laws that require you to use them. Jesus saves lives too, and He’s the only one who can obey the most important law of all—God’s law. Trust in Him to save you from sin and give you His goodness so you can live with Him forever. (See “The ABCs of Salvation” on the right column of this page..)
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