Daily Devotional for October 27, 2021
It Takes Faith

Abel and Maggie were enjoying a weekend at their grandparents’ cabin. While
Grandma went to make hot chocolate, the twins sat with Grandpa in front of the fire and popped popcorn in an old-fashioned, long-handled basket.
“In our class at church today, Peter said his dad doesn’t believe you need to have faith in Jesus to be saved and go to heaven. Peter told us his dad says there’s no point in having faith in anything.”
“And what did your teacher say?” Grandpa asked.
“Miss Wilson said almost everything we do takes faith,” Maggie replied. “She told us if we can have faith in people and things, we certainly can have faith in Jesus.”
Abel frowned. “I don’t know what she means—I’m not even quite sure what faith is. But Miss Wilson didn’t have time to explain before the class ended.” Abel took the popcorn popper and shook it over the hot coals.
“Why are you holding that over the fire?” asked Grandpa. “And why shake it?”
Abel looked at him in surprise. “It has to get good and hot to make the kernels pop,” he said, sitting down on a stool. “I shake it to keep the kernels from staying in one spot and burning.”
“Why are you sitting on that stool?” asked Grandpa. “Aren’t you afraid it will collapse?”
“Grandpa!” said Abel. “Of course not!”
“So, you have faith that the heat will change the kernels,” said Grandpa. “You have faith that shaking them will keep them from burning. And you have faith that the stool will hold you. I’m sure you can think of other things you have faith in too.”
Maggie laughed at the astonished expression on her brother’s face. “Yeah, Abel. I guess you agree with Miss Wilson after all.”
Abel laughed too. “I guess I do.”
Grandpa nodded. “Very simply, faith is just believing. Faith in Jesus is believing that what He says is true—even though we may not understand it. It’s trusting Him to do what He says He’ll do—forgive our sins and give us eternal life.”
Abel looked at the popped corn. “If we can have faith in heat and stools, we can definitely have faith in Jesus!”
-Geri Walcott
How about you?
Do you have faith? If you ride in a bus, a plane, or a car, it takes faith—a belief that those things will get you where you want to go. Riding in vehicles takes faith in people too—like pilots, drivers, and mechanics. Since you have faith in things and people, you surely can have faith in God. People can make errors, but not God. Believe what He says in the Bible—that you need Jesus to save you from sin. Then trust Him to do it.
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