Daily Devotional for December 8, 2018
It Pays to Advertise

Devon’s father slammed on the brakes when a van sped by and then cut in front of him. “That van almost got my front fender!” Dad exclaimed. “I’ve been watching him in the mirror—he’s been darting in and out of traffic like a maniac.”
“He’s driving a truck from that plumbing company down the street from us,” Devon said as the van sped away from them. “Look! On the back it says, ‘Call us for fast, courteous service.’” Devon laughed and gathered his books, which had fallen when the car slowed down so suddenly. “If that plumbing company runs their business the way that guy drives, their service may be fast but not very courteous!”
At dinner that evening, Devon told his mom about the van he and Dad had seen on the way home. “I bet that company loses a lot of business because of the way that guy drives,” Devon said. “People who see him on the road won’t want him working on their plumbing.”
“I guess not!” Mom said. “He probably doesn’t even realize his driving is a bad advertisement for the business.” She shook her head. “I think all of us sometimes forget that we advertise everywhere we go. Our words and actions give others impressions about who we say we belong to.”
Dad nodded. “We’re Christians, and people are watching us. That’s why the Holy Spirit works in our lives to make us a good advertisement for Jesus. He’s helping us grow to be loving and Christlike so others will be drawn to Jesus too.”
“I think I know what you mean,” said Devon. “Earlier this week, one of the guys on my basketball team asked me why I didn’t push for more court time or get in the other players’ faces when they mess up like some of the other guys do. I told him I was a Christian, and being on a team where everyone felt respected and treated fairly was more important to me than winning or being a first-string player. He was kind of taken aback by that and seems interested in knowing more about my faith.”
“That’s great!” said Dad. “By putting others before yourself, you’re advertising the love Jesus has for us all.” – A. W. Smith
How about you?
Are your words and actions a good advertisement for Jesus? If you’re a Christian, the Holy Spirit is working in your life so others can see what Jesus is like. When you care for people and treat them with kindness, honesty, and respect, you’re showing them the love of Jesus. Advertising is a very powerful tool. Trust God to use you to show others the love He has for them.
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