Daily Devotional for December 31, 2017
Inventory Time

“Hi, Dad,” Kiera said as she sat down at the table for breakfast. “Are you going to have to work late again tonight?” Kiera’s dad was a manager at a large store.
“Nope—it’s New Year’s Eve, so we close early today.” Dad smiled and sighed. “I’m ready for a night off. We’ve been busy all week with people returning and exchanging things they got for Christmas and with our annual after-Christmas sale.”
“Why do you always have a big sale right after Christmas?” Kiera asked.
“Well, mostly so we can sell as much as possible before we take inventory next month,” replied Dad.
“Inventory?” Kiera asked. “What’s that?”
“It’s when they count everything in the store to see if it lines up with what their computer says they’re supposed to have,” said Kiera’s brother, Brent. “Some things in the store may have gotten lost or stolen, and they may need to order more stuff to replace them. Isn’t that right, Dad?”
Dad nodded. “That’s a very good description,” he said. “We do that once a year.” He paused to take a bite of cereal. “You know, it would be a good idea for all of us to take an inventory of our lives at least once a year too—and New Year’s Eve would be a good time for us to do that.”
“Take inventory of our lives?” Kiera laughed. “You mean we should count how many pairs of shoes and jeans and socks we have?”
Dad laughed. “That’s not exactly what I had in mind. I was thinking it would be good to review how we lived this past year. We should think about how Jesus has made us grow to be more like Him, and pray and ask Him to bring to mind the things we’ve done that don’t line up with who He wants us to be. Then we can ask Him to forgive us for those things and replace them with the things He wants us to do.”
“And He’ll help us continue doing the things we’ve done right, won’t He?” asked Kiera.
“Exactly,” Dad replied. “Taking a spiritual inventory as often as we can is a good way to align our lives with how Jesus wants us to live.” – Hazel W. Marett
How about you?
Have you taken a spiritual inventory lately? Think about the things that have happened and what you’ve done this past year. What are some areas where Jesus has helped you grow? What are some areas where you didn’t always reflect Him in your thoughts or actions? Ask Him to forgive you for anything you regret, and depend on Him to continue shaping you to be more and more like Him.
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