Daily Devotional for April 28, 2021
Instant Everything

“I’m hungry,” said Peyton. “Can I heat something up for dinner?”
“Sure,” said Mom. “Why don’t you fix something
for all of us. How about TV dinners?”
“Okay. But can I make some extra potatoes? We have a box of instant mashed potato flakes, don’t we? I know how to do them. And can I fix instant pudding for dessert? With whipped topping?”
“If you like,” said Mom. “I’ve already made a salad—it’s in the refrigerator. We could have quick-bake rolls too. Think you can handle that?”
“No problem,” said Peyton. She went to work, and soon the meal was ready.
As they ate their dinner, they talked about what had happened that day. “Instead of collecting our homework, Mrs. Derks just asked if we had finished it,” Peyton said. “Before school started, Bella told me she hadn’t done hers, but when Mrs. Derks asked her, she said it was all finished! Can you believe that?”
“That’s nothing unusual. Kids do that all the time,” said Cooper.
“Yes, but she’s supposed to be a Christian!” exclaimed Peyton.
“She hasn’t been a Christian very long though,” said Cooper. “I mean, we all do wrong things too, and we’ve been Christians quite a long time.”
“But she lied!” Peyton said as she got up to get their dessert.
“Cooper has a point,” said Mom. “I’m not excusing what Bella did, and maybe you can lovingly remind her that God wants her to be honest, but don’t be too hard on her. We all have sins we struggle with. As we grow in our relationship with Jesus, He teaches us to turn from sin and obey Him.”
“Looks good!” Cooper said when Peyton set the instant pudding in front of him.
“It does,” agreed Mom. “You know, we often get the idea that everything should be instant—like much of this meal is. Most of these things were easy and quick to fix because they’re instant foods—they’re precooked. Sometimes we expect spiritual maturity to be like that, but it isn’t.”
“So it’s more like the salad you made?” Peyton asked. “That took time to make, didn’t it?”
Mom nodded. “Yes, and it takes time to become a mature Christian too. So give Bella time to learn and grow.” (Deborah S. Marett)
How about you?
Do you have friends who are new Christians? When you trust Jesus as your Savior, you are instantly saved—but you aren’t instantly mature. Don’t expect instant maturity from your friends either. Pray for them, and learn to be patient as you grow together and learn more about Jesus and how He wants you to live.
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