Daily Devotional for March 28, 2018
In the Shadow of His Wings

Jacob’s throat tightened as he peered out the kitchen window. I wish we didn’t have to move, he thought. I miss my friends and my old school. After wiping his blurry eyes, he heard something chirping outside. “Look, Mom!” Jacob called. “There’s a nest under the roof over there, and a mother robin is sitting over four babies!”
Mom came in from the other room. “You’re right, Jake! The mother bird will protect her babies until they’re ready to fly and live on their own.
Jacob watched as the male robin flew in and dropped a worm into the mother’s open beak. She ate part of it, then pushed it out and dropped it toward her babies’ throats. The tiny birds stretched their necks skyward, chirping until the worm was gone.
“Those babies don’t ever have to worry,” Jacob said. “They are warm, safe, and well-fed.”
Mom grinned. “Speaking of being well-fed, you need to eat your pancakes and get ready for school.”
Jacob swallowed hard. “Mom, can I stay home? My new school is nothing like my old one. I don’t have any friends here. Besides, I’ve got a huge test today. I’ve studied, but what if I don’t do well?”
Mom sat down. “You’ve gone through a lot of changes lately. It’s not easy attending a new school, is it? But I bet you can find someone to play with at recess and invite them to eat lunch with you. And I’m sure you’ll do fine on the test—you studied well. Just leave the rest to God. Remember what you said about the baby birds never having to worry?”
Jacob wrinkled his brows. “Yes, but what does that have to do with me?”
“Well, Jake, God is like that mother bird. The Bible tells us that God loves us so much He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for us, and we can take refuge in the shadow of His wings. He uses everything for good in the lives of those who belong to Him—even things that don’t go the way we hoped they would. Give Him your worries about making friends and taking tests, and trust Him to take care of you and guide you. Just like that mother bird, He will provide everything you need.” – Linda Champagne
How about you?
Do you worry about your problems? Is there something in your life that you’re struggling with right now, like moving or making new friends? Life can be tough sometimes, and Jesus understands that. That’s why He wants you to give all your worries to Him and trust Him to do what’s best for you. He loves you and yearns to help you with every problem in your life.
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