Daily Devotional for July 11, 2017

If It Feels Good

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
If It Feels Good

Today's Verse

Romans 8:12-14 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

Drops of rain glittered on the lawn, and the wet grass felt good on Jase’s bare feet. He walked out to the garden, relishing the feeling of mud squishing through his toes. Then Mom called him in so they could leave for his dentist appointment. Jase hurried through the kitchen to the bathroom.

“Jase, you’re tracking dirt on the clean floor!” said Mom. “When we get back, you’ll have to clean it up. Right now, you’d better wash your feet!”

Jase quickly grabbed a towel and rubbed his feet. The mud left streaks on the towel. Good thing Mom can’t see this! he thought.

Soon they were on their way. They hadn’t gone far when a blue car sped around them, almost hitting an oncoming truck. “Look, Mom,” said Jase. “The bumper sticker on that car says, ‘If it feels good, do it.’ I guess it feels good to that guy to take chances, but I bet it won’t feel so good anymore if he gets a ticket or has an accident!”

“You’re right,” said Mom. “Just because something feels good doesn’t make it okay. Doing things that are wrong always has consequences—sometimes very serious ones—even if it feels good at the time.”

“Yeah,” said Jase. “It felt good to play in the mud this morning, but now I have to clean the floor when I get home, and that won’t feel so good!”

“Yes, but it wasn’t wrong for you to play in the mud,” said Mom. “I just wish you had been more careful not to track it into the house.”

“So not everything that feels good is wrong?” asked Jase.

“Of course not,” said Mom. “Don’t get the idea that God doesn’t want you to have any fun. He wants you to enjoy all the good things He’s put in your life. But you can’t judge what’s right or wrong based on how it feels. You need to go by what God says about it. And if you ever give in and do something wrong, you need to ask Jesus to forgive you. He gives you the power to overcome your feelings and do what’s right.”

Jase was quiet for a few moments. Then he asked, “Mom, how do I get mud out of a towel?” – Margaret M. Primrose

How about you?

Do you think if something seems fun or feels good it must be okay? That’s not what God says. His Word—the Bible—is the standard for what’s right and wrong, not how you feel. So don’t rely on your or anyone else’s feelings to determine whether to do something. Instead, rely on Jesus—He forgives you when you do wrong and gives you the power to do what’s right.

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