Daily Devotional for January 17, 2022
I Wish I Could…

Amelia stared at the floor as her classmate Himari walked to the piano. When Himari began to play a piano solo, Amelia tried to distract herself by flipping through her Bible. She didn’t want to hear Himari’s solo. After church everyone will talk about how well Himari plays the piano, she thought. She didn’t want to hear that either. Himari’s no older than me. Why can she play so well? I wish I could play in church like she does.
That week, the annual all-school track meet was held at Amelia’s school. As Amelia waited on the sidelines for her race to begin, she heard someone call out to her.
“Hey, Amelia! Are you ready to go beat ’em all?”
Amelia turned to see Himari walking toward her. “I’ll do my best,” Amelia said.
“You can do it. I just wish I could run as fast as you,” said Himari. She sighed. “But I probably wouldn’t even beat a turtle.”
Amelia looked at Himari in surprise. After a moment, she laughed. “That’s funny. I’ve always wished I could play the piano as well as you, and you wish you could run as fast as me.”
Himari grinned. “I guess we’re both pretty silly.”
“I guess so. I even tried to keep from hearing your piano solo last Sunday, but I heard you anyway. You did great.”
“Thanks,” said Himari just as the coach came to get Amelia for the next race. “I hope you win, Amelia!”
At home that afternoon, Amelia told her mom about her conversation with Himari. “I think you and Himari both learned an important lesson,” said Mom. “We shouldn’t waste time wishing we could do something someone else is doing. God loves each of us just as we are, and He gave us different abilities so we can use them to serve Him.”
“Yeah, but I’m not sure how I’d use running to serve God,” Amelia replied.
“That’s okay,” said Mom. “He’ll guide you in what He wants you to do. For now, just enjoy running, and enjoy other people’s talents too. Our abilities are gifts from God that allow us to point each other to Jesus and His love for us.”
Thoughtfully, Amelia nodded. “I can’t wait to hear Himari play in church again!”
-Linda Weddle
How about you?
Have you ever wished you could do something as well as someone else? Are you jealous of someone’s musical, artistic, academic, or athletic ability? Today’s Bible reading gives an example of a terrible sin that was committed because of envy. When you feel envious of someone, remember that God loves you just as you are. Then use the abilities He gave you to serve Him and point others to Jesus.
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