Daily Devotional for June 23, 2019
I Will, You Will

“Who wants to help me sweep up these crumbs?” Mom asked as she picked up the lunch plates and walked to the sink.
“I will!” three-year-old Elim yelled enthusiastically as he rushed over to get the broom. Ruby giggled as she watched her little cousin sweep up the crumbs at top speed. “All done!” he announced proudly.
“Great job!” Mom placed flour, sugar, eggs, and chocolate chips on the counter. “Now who wants to help me make chocolate chip cookies?”
“I will!” Elim shrieked before Ruby could get a word in. Both kids helped Mom fill the bowl with ingredients and mix them. “Who wants to add the egg?” Mom asked. Ruby eyed her cousin knowingly.
“I will!” Elim proudly cracked the egg under Ruby’s watchful eye.
Later that day, after playing outside in the sand, Mom asked, “Who wants to go inside and get cleaned up?”
Elim stuck out his lip and pointed at Ruby. “You will,” he stated firmly.
Ruby and Mom burst out laughing. “I guess Elim isn’t ready to go inside yet!” Ruby said, giving her sand-covered cousin a hug.
Mom looked thoughtful. “You know, Ruby, Elim just reminded me of what I read in Psalm 71 this morning. The psalmist was talking about how his enemies were after him, but he knew that even in that scary time, God was his refuge and his fortress. There were a bunch of ‘I will’ verses: ‘I will always have hope,’ ‘I will praise you,’ ‘I will proclaim your mighty acts.’”
“Were there any ‘you will’s,’ Mom?” Ruby teased.
“As a matter of fact, yes!” Mom grinned. “The psalmist had some ‘you will’s’ about God, like ‘you will restore my life’ and ‘you will comfort me.’”
After the trio finally went inside and got cleaned up, Ruby snuggled up next to her Mom and cousin on the couch. “You know, Mom, I want to be like Elim . . . and the psalmist. Even in hard times, I want to practice ‘I will’s’—I will praise God, I will remember what He has done for me . . . things like that.”
Mom smiled at her daughter. “Me too, Ruby.”
Elim grinned at them both. “You will!” •Savannah Coleman
How about you?
Do you ever have hard days or weeks? God never promised us an easy life with no hardships, but He does promise that He will be with us. Read about His great love for you in the Bible and all Jesus has done for you. When you face hardships, remember that He will help you and always be with you.
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