Daily Devotional for June 1, 2024
How to Be Different

“But I don’t want to wear mismatched shoes, Kassi,” Brooke informed her best friend. The two girls were sitting together while riding the bus for a class field trip. During the drive, Kassi shared with Brooke how she longed to be unique—to stand out from the crowd and be different. But Brooke thought Kassi’s idea about
how to showcase her personal style went too far.
“If you wear one of my shoes, and I wear one of yours, we’ll be wearing one of each. We’re the same size, you know. Two different shoes—that’s totally being different!” Kassi seemed so excited.
“Sorry, Kassi.” Brooke shook her head.
That evening at home, Kassi talked with her grandfather on the phone and explained her goal of being different. “Grandpa, I don’t want to be just like everybody else; I want to be uniquely me. You know, the individual God created.”
“God did a great job of making you, Kassi! And I know He is pleased with you. Simply being different isn’t always better though,” Grandpa answered.
Kassi thought about this as Grandpa continued. “Last summer, you gave your life to Jesus, remember? You put your trust in Him, who died for us, for the forgiveness of your sins. Now, as His child, you are called to be different—but not so much when it comes to the shoes you wear.”
“What do you mean?” Kassi asked.
“God wants His people to be set apart, dedicated to Him. God desires for you to be different in your character, your love for Him and others, and your obedience to Him. That matters much more to Him than how you dress,” Grandpa replied.
“I get it, Grandpa. Since I belong to God, I need to make it my goal to be different from others by being more like Jesus instead of by making unusual fashion choices.”
“God tells us to be holy as He is holy—and He has given us the Holy Spirit so we can live in a way that shows others we belong to Jesus. You can do that and wear mixed-up shoes at the same time,” Grandpa assured her.
Kassi laughed. “But next time, I won’t try to convince Brooke to join me!”
– Allison Wilson Lee
How about you?
Do you enjoy being unique? Do you like to stand out from the crowd? God specially created each one of us, and it’s good to embrace our own styles and personalities. But God has instructed His people to be unique in a different way. In His power, you can shine for Jesus in a dark world by living a life of obedience and love. This is how God wants His children to stand out from the crowd!
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