Daily Devotional for January 2, 2018
How Old Is God? (Part 2)

Hailey burst into applause as Curtis finished saying the alphabet. “Dad, I think he’s finally got it!”
“Does this mean you win?” Dad asked. Hailey and her friend had a race going, and Hailey was trying to teach her brother the alphabet before Jenny taught her dog how to sit and roll over.
“Well, I need to prove to Jenny that Curtis learned the alphabet first,” Hailey replied. “I’ll see if she can stop over.”
When Jenny arrived, Hailey brought her into the kitchen. “Okay, Curtis,” she said. “Say your ABCs, just like we practiced.”
Curtis took one look at Jenny, then giggled and shook his head.
“Curtis, come on! Please?” But Curtis giggled again and covered his eyes, trying to get Jenny to play peek-a-boo. Hailey continued to coax him, but Curtis refused to say one letter of the alphabet.
“Ugh!” Hailey gave her brother an exasperated look after Jenny had left. “Why couldn’t Curtis do what he was supposed to?” she asked Dad. “Now Jenny doesn’t believe I taught him the alphabet.”
“Well, just because Jenny doesn’t believe something doesn’t mean it’s not true,” said Dad. “I heard Curtis say his ABCs.”
“Yeah, but I need to prove it to Jenny to win our game.” Hailey sighed. “I wish I could prove more than that to her. As I was walking her out, I answered the question she asked me yesterday about how old God is. I told her God doesn’t have an age—that He always was, is, and will be. But Jenny said she’s not sure God even exists. I wish I could make her believe!”
“Well, you can’t make anyone believe in God just by what you say, but maybe you can help Jenny think about it another way.” Dad tickled Curtis’s tummy, and Curtis giggled. “Would Curtis be here if I never existed?”
“Of course not. You’re his father, so without you, he wouldn’t exist either.”
Dad nodded. “Because he’s my son, Curtis points to the fact that I exist. Well, God has a Son too, and He points to the existence of His Father. Jesus came to earth to show us that God is real and that He loves us. By helping Jenny understand who Jesus is, you can help her see that God exists—and that He loves her so much He died for her.” – Melissa Yeagle
How about you?
Do you wish you could prove God exists? Perhaps you have friends or family members who don’t believe in God—or maybe you struggle to believe yourself. God reveals Himself in many ways, but the best way is through His Son, Jesus, who came to earth and died for us. You and others can know God exists by knowing Jesus. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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