Daily Devotional for June 28, 2023
House Repairs

“Caleb, could you hand me that wrench?” Dad was sprawled out under the kitchen sink, attempting to replace a seal that was broken. Caleb grabbed the wrench and handed it to his dad. “Okay, let’s see if this new seal works,” said Dad. “Turn on the dishwasher.”
Caleb turned on the dishwasher, and they waited to see if it was going to leak. When it didn’t, Caleb cheered. “Success!”
Dad nodded his approval. “Let’s go ahead and change out the air conditioner filters too while we’re at it.”
Dad grabbed the tool bag, and Caleb grabbed the filters. He liked helping his dad fix things around the house.
“Hand me the screwdriver,” Dad said.
“Can I do it?” Caleb asked.
Dad smiled and nodded. “Sure!”
Caleb took the screwdriver and removed both screws. After he helped Dad change out the filter, Caleb fastened the screws back in and they went on to the next filter.
By the end of the day, they had fixed the leak in the kitchen, changed out both air conditioner filters, and nailed down a couple new boards on the deck steps.
“Thanks for all your help today, Caleb,” Dad said at dinner that night.
“I sure am glad I’m able to use the dishwasher again,” Mom added.
Dad smiled. “Fixing all the things around the house today got me thinking about how God fixed our sin problem.”
“What do you mean, Dad?” Caleb asked.
“Well, sin separates us from God, but God loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, as a sacrifice for our sins. He made a way for us to be able to have a relationship with Him and have eternal life. We fix things around the house with tools, and God fixes our sin problem through Jesus. When we trust Him as our Savior, He gets rid of our sin and fixes our hearts, and then He invites us to help Him in the work He’s doing to fix our broken world. One day He will make everything new, and we’ll live with Him forever in a world free from sin and death.”
“Wow, I can’t wait for that!” Caleb grinned. “But at least for now we can enjoy living with a dishwasher that doesn’t leak!”
-Lisa Fuller
How about you?
Have you accepted God’s free gift of eternal life? If you haven’t trusted Jesus as your Savior, you have a sin problem that needs to be fixed. We can’t fix our sin problem, but God loves us so much that He sent His Son to pay the penalty for our sins. Trust Jesus to be your Savior today. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.) Then let Him use you to serve others and show them His love.
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