Daily Devotional for February 13, 2019
Homesick for Jesus

CLOP, CLOP, CLOP. Bartholomew, the ancient farm horse, plodded along. The slow walk didn’t really bother Drew as he rode the horse—he had a lot to think about. Dad should be here to get me before too long, he thought. I can’t wait to get home again—but I hate to leave here too. He had been staying at Uncle George’s dairy farm for two weeks.
Drew had felt sad that morning as he helped with the chores for the last time—feeding the chickens, pitching hay to the cows, and now taking a final ride on old Bartholomew. He liked being on the farm. Still, as he ate breakfast, his thoughts about Mom and Dad and home had made Aunt Millie’s pancakes stick in his throat. I want to see Grandma too, he thought. I wonder if she’s feeling better than before I left. She’s been sick for such a long time.
Just then, Bartholomew turned down a lane going toward the barn. “Bartholomew! I’m not ready to go back yet,” Drew said, tugging at the reins. But old Bartholomew tossed his head and plodded on. Suddenly, Drew was glad he did, because there at the barn, sitting on a bale of hay, was Dad!
All the way home, Drew talked about the farm. “I really liked it there,” he said, “but I missed you and Mom and Grandma a lot!”
Dad smiled. “You know, I think that’s the way Grandma feels.”
“What do you mean?” asked Drew.
“She often says she’s eager to see Jesus. I know she hates to think of leaving us because death is such a sad thing, but she’s also looking forward to seeing Grandpa and others who have already gone to heaven to be with Jesus.”
“It sounds like she’s homesick for heaven,” Drew said.
Dad nodded. “In a way, all Christians are, because our home is with Jesus. Even though He’s always with us in our lives now, we can’t see Him face-to-face. But one day we will, either when we die or when He returns and makes everything right. Then all those who know Him will be able to live with Him together.”
“I’m definitely looking forward to that!” said Drew.
“Me too,” said Dad. “And so is Grandma.” – Carol J. Brookman
How about you?
When you think of seeing Jesus face-to-face, does it seem far away? Do you hate the thought of leaving those you love—or having them leave you? Death is a sad thing, but remember that Jesus defeated death when He rose from the dead. One day He will come back and make everything new, and Christians will live with Him together forever.
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