Daily Devotional for July 14, 2017
Homesick for Heaven

Kelly snapped one last picture of the Eiffel Tower. “It’s so beautiful against the sunset!” She sighed. “I can’t believe this is our last night here.”
“I know,” Mom said. “Though I’m actually excited to be going home.”
“But this has been the best vacation ever,” said Kelly’s sister, Allison. “I’m going to miss Paris.”
“All right, everyone,” Dad said. “It’s getting late. We’d better head back to the hotel to eat our last dinner here in France.”
Kelly turned to follow him and accidentally bumped into a man with a touring cap and backpack.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” she said. The man glanced at her, said something in French, and moved past them. Kelly giggled quietly. “You know what I’m looking forward to about going home? Being able to speak the language. I can’t understand what the French people say—and they can’t understand me!”
“Yeah,” Allison said. “We really don’t fit in here, do we?”
“I’m looking forward to sleeping in my own bed again,” Mom said.
“And not living out of a suitcase anymore,” Dad chimed in.
“Sounds like we all agree,” said Allison. “Paris is great, but it’s not home.”
In the growing darkness, the family headed back to their hotel and got a table at the restaurant downstairs. “You know what?” Dad said after they had been seated. “Our conversation earlier reminded me of something. Just like we’re visitors here in France, the Bible says that Christians are visitors in the world. Our real citizenship is in heaven, not here on earth.”
“That makes sense,” Allison said.
“We don’t always fit in here on earth because we’re living for a different world,” Dad went on. “Our lives are ruled by a different set of values because we know the things of this world will fade away, but God’s kingdom will last forever.”
“And someday He’ll bring us there, right?” asked Kelly.
Dad nodded. “One day we’ll live with Jesus in His heavenly kingdom forever. But we’re also living as citizens of His kingdom now. Our hope and value is in Jesus and nothing else.”
Kelly nodded. “I’m excited to go home to America, but I’m even more excited for my eternal home!” – Lucy Alessio
How about you?
Do you ever feel like you don’t fit in here in this world? Do you feel like you’re different from your non-Christian friends? The Bible tells us that, as Christians, we’re just travelers here on earth. Our citizenship—our true home—is with Jesus. Don’t be afraid to live differently in this world, knowing that heaven is where you truly belong.
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