Daily Devotional for November 23, 2021
Home for Supper

Oliver wandered into his room. He didn’t feel like playing. As he sat down on his bed, a little red truck caught his eye, and he picked it up. It had been Joey’s favorite. Joey! Oliver closed his eyes.
Pictures of his little brother flashed through his mind—Joey playing happily; the day his parents took Joey to see a doctor; the time Mom put her arms around Oliver and explained that Joey was very sick; Joey growing thinner and more pale. Then came the day Joey went to the hospital and never returned. And just last week, Joey’s funeral followed by a graveside service.
“Oliver,” called Dad. “Want to come help me rake the yard?”
Oliver slowly got up and went to help. He and Dad worked in silence for a while. Then, his voice quavering, Oliver said, “Dad, I miss Joey so much. Sometimes I don’t know how I can stand it!”
“I know, Oliver—I miss him too.” Dad reached over to put an arm around Oliver’s shoulder. “Let me share something that helps me. Maybe it will help you too.“ He leaned on his rake. “Remember how it was supposed to snow early last year and we all worked together to rake the leaves up before the snow came?”
Oliver nodded. “We were cold, tired, and hungry.”
“When Mom went in to fix supper, you and Joey and I stayed out to finish,” Dad said.
“Yeah,” said Oliver. “We reminded each other that when our work was done, we could go in too, and Mom would have a good, hot supper ready for us. That made it easier to keep going.”
“Right, and that’s kind of the way I feel right now,” said Dad. “We miss Joey, and it hurts so much. But since Joey trusted Jesus, we know he’s safe at home with Him. We still have work to do here, but when it’s done, we’ll go be with Jesus in heaven too, where He’ll take care of us until it’s time for Him to make everything new. Then He’ll give us resurrected bodies and restore the whole world, and we’ll all be together with Him here—forever!”
Oliver smiled. “It’ll be like going home for supper.”
-Carolyn A. Penner
How about you?
Did someone you know finish their work on earth and go home to be with Jesus in heaven? If you know Jesus as your Savior, your home is with Him too. Nothing can separate you from Him—not even death! And one day He’ll get rid of sin and death forever when He makes the whole world new. You’ll see loved ones who went to be with Him ahead of you, and you’ll all live together with Him.
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