Daily Devotional for July 28, 2022
Higher Ways

A cold wind whipped through the cemetery and stung Colin’s face. He tried to listen as the minister read from the Bible. I wonder if Grandpa is with Jesus in heaven, he thought for the hundredth time in the last few days. On the way home, Colin finally asked the question that lay heavy on his heart. “Did Grandpa go to heaven, Dad?”
Dad looked somber. “We believe so. You probably remember that Grandpa didn’t show much interest when I talked to him about Jesus.” Colin felt empty inside when he heard this. “But Grandpa died on his knees beside his bed,” Dad added. “He was apparently talking to God.”
Mom spoke in a gentle voice. “Just the day before that, I spent some extra time praying he would trust Jesus as his Savior, and then I went to his room and told him again how he could have his sins forgiven and be saved. We can’t be sure, but we believe Grandpa did put his trust in Jesus just before he died.”
Colin felt a little better as he thought about that. Then with a sigh he said, “But I wish I knew for sure.”
“I do too, Colin, but we have to leave Grandpa in God’s hands now,” said Dad. “We did all we could do. We told Grandpa many times how Jesus died and rose again to give us eternal life, and for years we prayed he would understand and accept God’s gift of salvation. We were loving and kind to him, always hoping he would see the difference Jesus made in our lives and that he would want to know Him too.”
“There are some things we’ll never know while we’re on this earth,” said Mom. “But we told Grandpa what the Bible says, and God promises His Word will accomplish what He intends for it to do. He also says His ways are higher than ours, and He does all things right.”
At home, Colin went to his room and rubbed his fingers over the worn leather of a baseball mitt Grandpa had given him. “Dear Lord,” he prayed, “You know I loved Grandpa and want him to be in heaven with You. Thank You for loving him too, and for doing everything right.”
-Carolyn E. Yost
How about you?
Are you wondering if someone you love went to heaven when they died? It always hurts when a loved one dies, but it’s especially painful when you don’t know if that person was saved and went to be with Jesus. If you’re in that position, give your worries and heartache to God. Rest in the knowledge that His ways are higher than ours and that He will always do what’s right.
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