Daily Devotional for June 16, 2019
He’s the Dad

“Can I have apple pie for dessert?” asked Beck. He and his family were having dinner at their favorite restaurant, celebrating their decision to move to Honduras and start a church there.
“Sounds good!” said Dad. “I’ll have a piece too.”
As the waitress left with their dessert order, Beck had a question. “Dad,” he said, his forehead creased with lines, “you’ve decided to quit your job so we can go to Honduras, but how will we live without money?”
“I’ll be working part-time for a while,” replied Dad, “and before we go, we’ll be speaking at various churches to raise support, remember? We won’t have as much as before, but God will provide everything we need.”
“But how?” Beck asked, folding and refolding his napkin. “We’re not rich, are we? How will we make it until our support money comes in?”
Leaning back in the booth, Dad smiled at Mom. “Beck, why don’t you pay for our dinner here out of your allowance?”
“Me? Pay for dinner? You can’t be serious, Dad! I don’t have enough . . . I didn’t . . . I don’t . . . I thought you . . .”
Dad grinned. “Relax, Beck. I’m paying, but why did you assume I would pay in the first place?”
“Well, you’re the dad,” said Beck, “and it was your idea to celebrate by going out to eat. Besides, I’m just a kid. I don’t have as much money as you do.”
“That’s right, Beck,” said Dad. “I’m your father, so I provide for you. And God is our heavenly Father, so He provides for us. He has unlimited resources. Besides, it was God’s idea for us to go to Honduras. We sensed Him calling us to help the people there and tell them about Jesus.”
Beck’s face brightened. “It was His idea and He owns everything, so He’ll take care of the money part—just like a dad, right?”
Dad nodded. “We’re His children, and He’ll take care of us and provide whatever we need so we can do the things He wants us to do.”
“I get it,” said Beck, digging into the warm apple pie that had just been placed in front of him. “Boy, am I glad I don’t have to pay for this! Thanks, Dad, for taking us out to eat!” •Holly F. Cepeda
How about you?
Are you thankful for a father who provides for you? Maybe your dad isn’t with you, or he’s lost his job and you wonder where money will come from. If you trust in Jesus, God is your heavenly Father and He will take care of all you need. That doesn’t mean He’ll give you everything you want, but He’ll provide what you need to do His will. Trust Him to take care of you.
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