Daily Devotional for July 10, 2017
Helping Find the Lost

“Mom, have you seen my other tennis shoe?” Mia ran from room to room with only one shoe on, desperately looking for the other one. She was supposed to be leaving to spend the night at her friend Aryanna’s house.
“No, but I can help you look. Do you remember where you saw it last?” Mom asked.
Mia shook her head, and the two frantically looked for the missing shoe. They looked under beds, in the closet, in the bathroom, and even in Mia’s brother’s room.
“Are you sure you didn’t pack it with your overnight things?” Mom asked. Mia was about to say she would never do anything silly like that, but knew Mom would just make her look anyway, so she began pulling out everything from her bag. The last thing she pulled out was her missing shoe. Mia felt a little embarrassed, but she was thankful her missing shoe was finally found.
“Remember I’m going to pick you up for church tomorrow,” Mom said as they got in the car. “Did you invite Aryanna to come?” Mia shook her head. “Did you know that the Bible talks about Jesus wanting us to help Him find something lost?” Mom asked.
Mia shot her mom a puzzled look. “What could Jesus have lost that He would need our help finding? He’s God’s Son. He knows everything.”
“The Bible says Jesus wants us to help bring lost sinners to Him. We can do that by praying for them and sharing how He’s changed our lives—and even by inviting them to church.” Mom turned to look at Mia. “Do you remember how happy and relieved you felt when you found your missing shoe?” Mia nodded. “Well, the Bible says that all of heaven rejoices when one sinner is saved. That’s how happy God is when one lost person is found. And even though God is the only one who can change a person’s heart, He wants us to play a part by praying and pointing others to Him so we can rejoice with Him when they’re found.”
Mia grabbed her bag as they pulled into Aryanna’s driveway. “Okay, Mom. I’ll see if Aryanna wants to come to church with us tomorrow,” she said as she opened the car door. “And I’ll remember to pray for her too.” – Melissa Yeagle
How about you?
Do you know people who don’t know Jesus? We can’t change people’s hearts, but we can play a role in bringing others to Jesus by praying for them, telling them about everything He’s done for us, and inviting them to church and other places where they can learn more about Him. Do all you can to point others to Jesus, and when one of them is found, you can rejoice with all of heaven!
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