Daily Devotional for January 2, 2017
Hearing Problems

“We had a new girl in our class at church today,” Josephine said as she set the table for lunch. “Her name is Lauren, and she’s deaf. She reads lips.”
Mom nodded. “I met her mother. Their family moved here recently.” She set a plate of vegetables on the table. “Just last week I read an article that said several million people in our country are totally deaf, and even more can’t hear as well as they should.”
“Nolan doesn’t hear as well as he should.” Josephine smirked at her brother. “He only hears when he wants to. He hears just fine when somebody mentions dessert, but he doesn’t seem to hear when someone mentions chores that need to be done.”
Nolan smirked back. “Speak for yourself!”
“I guess we’re all guilty of that once in a while,” Dad said as he filled a pitcher with water. “It’s called selective hearing—only hearing what you want to hear.” He started pouring water into the glasses on the table. “Sadly, some of us who have perfectly good hearing are deaf in another way—we’re spiritually deaf.”
“Spiritually deaf?” asked Josephine. “What does that mean?”
“It means failing to hear what God has to say,” said Dad. “He invites everyone to trust in Jesus and be saved, but many people don’t seem to hear Him. God warns of coming judgment, but people are so busy with their own interests that they don’t pay attention. It’s as though they’re deaf to what He’s saying.”
“Even Christians often don’t hear God as well as they should,” said Mom. “After accepting His gift of salvation, we sometimes stop meeting with other Christians or don’t make time to read the Bible and pray. We seem to quit listening—especially if we’re afraid we’ll hear something from God that we don’t like.”
“I guess that would be like what Dad said we’re guilty of,” said Nolan. “Selective hearing.”
“That’s right,” said Dad. “We need to keep our spiritual ears open all the time and be listening for what God wants to tell us.” – Phyllis I. Klomparens
How about you?
Are you hard of hearing—spiritually, that is? Today’s Scripture reading is about the boy Samuel. He didn’t have selective hearing—the message God told him to give Eli was not a happy one, but Samuel obeyed anyway and passed it on. Like Samuel, always be ready to listen to the Lord and obey Him.
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