Daily Devotional for May 29, 2022
Hear That Bird

“Do you hear that bird?” Levi asked in sign language as he and Hudson walked through the park.
Hudson gave his brother a confused look. “I don’t hear any bird,” he signed back, “and you don’t either. You’re deaf.”
Levi grinned. “He’s in those trees.” Levi pointed to a group of pine trees. “I saw him a minute ago. He’s called an ovenbird, and his song sounds like someone saying ‘teacher.’”
Hudson looked at Levi in amazement. “How do you know so much about birds? You’re deaf and have to read lips and watch me sign words, yet you can tell me about bird songs!”
“Well, I’ve always liked birds, so I read books about them and study their pictures,” Levi explained. “I memorize their colors and shapes and their flight characteristics. You know—whether they flap their wings a lot or soar up high or fly in a swooping pattern. Stuff like that.” Levi grinned at his brother. “Mom says I study to make up for not being able to hear. She calls it compensation.”
Hudson laughed. “I guess so!” He noticed a sad look come across Levi’s face. “What’s wrong?”
Levi sighed. “Sometimes I think you’re really the one who’s deaf.”
Hudson frowned. “What do you mean by that? I can hear just fine.”
“Well, even though I can’t hear with my physical ears, it’s not true that I can’t hear anything,” answered Levi. “I can hear spiritually.”
“What does that mean?” Hudson asked.
Levi’s hands flew in response. “When I went to camp with Boyd last summer, I learned that kind of hearing comes through the Bible, which tells us the good news of Jesus and how He died and rose again to save us. So I started reading the Bible and going to church with Boyd’s family to learn more, and a few months ago I trusted Jesus as my Savior. But whenever I try to talk to you about Jesus, you don’t want to listen. You can’t seem to hear the message I heard at camp.”
Hudson’s hands were still as he thought about what Levi had said. Finally, he signed, “Maybe I’ll go to church with you and Boyd this week. I’ll listen, but if I don’t understand stuff, you’ll have to explain it and tell me more.”
-Linda Weddle
How about you?
Do you hear what God is saying to you? His message of salvation—the good news that we can be saved from sin and have eternal life—is in the Bible, and it’s important that you hear it. Will you listen? Don’t ignore God’s message. Trust Jesus as your Savior. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
Today's Verse
Faith comes from hearing the Good News. And people hear the Good News when someone tells them about Christ. (ERV) Romans 10:17 NKJV
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