Daily Devotional for May 20, 2019
Happy for the Harvest

Mallory walked into the living room and threw her backpack on the floor. She looked up to see her dad watching her and frowned. “I don’t get it!”
“Care to talk about it?” asked Dad.
Mallory sighed. “It’s about Savanna.”
“Savanna,” her dad repeated. “She’s the friend you’ve been praying for, isn’t she?”
Mallory nodded. “She just became a Christian.”
“That’s great!” said Dad. “I know you’ve been talking to her about Jesus and inviting her to church.”
“But that’s just it!” said Mallory. “You know how long I’ve been witnessing to her, but now Mrs. Noll led her to Jesus—not me!”
“I see,” said Dad, scratching his chin. “And you thought you should be the one to do that, right?”
“Well, sure. I’m the one who prayed for her all this time and who talked to her. I even gave her a Bible for her birthday!”
“And that may be the very reason why Savanna was ready to trust in Jesus,” Dad replied.
“But why should Mrs. Noll get all the credit for bringing her to Jesus? Why wouldn’t God let me be the one to do that?”
“I don’t know,” said Dad. “Maybe to keep you from taking credit for it. After all, Mrs. Noll isn’t the one who gets the credit either. There’s a verse in the Bible where the apostle Paul says, ‘I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow.’ It looks like God allowed you to plant and Mrs. Noll to water. Jesus said both those who sow—or plant—and those who reap should be happy when the harvest comes in.”
Mallory sat down on the couch, thinking about what her dad had said.
“You see, Mallory, it shouldn’t matter who was there when Savanna decided to trust in Jesus,” Dad continued. “You witnessed faithfully for all those months, and now Jesus has saved Savanna. Be happy about that, and give Him the credit for how He’s used you and Mrs. Noll in her life.”
“You’re right,” said Mallory. “The important thing is that now Savanna knows Jesus!” •Ruth I. Jay
How about you?
When someone trusts Jesus as their Savior, are you happy—even if you’re not given credit for whatever you did to point that person to Him? Jesus tells us to plant and water by faithfully witnessing to others, but only He can save them. Your part is to be faithful in telling others about Jesus showing them His love. Then rejoice and give thanks whenever someone turns to Him.
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