Daily Devotional for February 24, 2017
Hannah’s Prayer

Hannah looked eagerly at the plates of food the waitress set down on the table. She could hardly wait to eat. “Hannah,” said Dad, “why don’t you lead us in giving thanks today?”
Hannah glanced around the busy restaurant. “Right now?” she asked. “What if the waitress comes back with the ketchup?”
“I’m sure she won’t mind waiting,” said Dad, and they all bowed their heads. Hannah glanced around again, then mumbled a quick prayer.
Luke looked up when she finished. “I couldn’t even understand what you said!”
“Me neither,” said Phoebe. “You talked too fast.”
“I wasn’t praying to you,” said Hannah. “God understood me, and He knows I’m thankful.”
“That’s enough, kids,” said Dad. “Hannah’s right. God does know what she prayed—but Hannah, Luke, and Phoebe are right too.”
Mom’s eyes met Hannah’s. “Do you find it embarrassing to pray?” she asked.
“No, not usually,” said Hannah, “but everybody is watching us here.”
“Who is?” asked Luke, looking around.
“Well, it feels like everybody is watching us when we all close our eyes,” said Hannah. “Why can’t we pray with our eyes open?”
“It isn’t your eyes that God is concerned about—it’s your heart,” said Dad. He paused. “Jesus is a part of your life—just like you’re a part of each of our lives. How would you feel if we left you home because we didn’t want to be seen talking to you because of what other people might think?”
Hannah stared at him. “Pretty bad, I guess,” she admitted after a moment. Then she put down her fork. “Can I pray again?” Mom and Dad nodded.
“Dear God,” began Hannah, and from her heart she thanked God for the food. She finished with a hearty “amen,” which was repeated by another “amen” next to the table. Hannah looked up as the waitress smiled and handed her the ketchup. – Heather M. Tekavec
How about you?
Is it hard for you to show love for God when unbelievers are nearby? Maybe you feel embarassed if others see you praying or are afraid your friends will make fun of you if you refuse to do something you know is wrong. When you feel like that, remember Jesus suffered public scorn when He went to the cross and died for you. Never be ashamed of Him!
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