Daily Devotional for February 22, 2022
Greyson’s List

Greyson frowned as he slowly climbed the steps, unlocked the door, and entered the apartment. He looked at the note his mom had left. It listed the chores he needed to do. Greyson dropped his books onto the table. “I hate being home alone!” he muttered.
Greyson was still grumbling when his mom got home. “Hi, honey,” she said wearily as she came in.
Hearing his mom sigh, Greyson turned to see her rub her forehead. “Are you okay?” he asked. “Does your head hurt?”
Mom tried to smile. “I’m all right. Life just gets overwhelming sometimes, and then I begin to feel angry and sorry for myself.”
“I was feeling pretty angry too,” said Greyson. “I hate being alone. I hate that Dad walked out on us. I hate that you have to work so hard.”
Suddenly Mom’s eyes lit up. “I have an idea.” She went to the fridge and took out some grapes. She handed one bunch to Greyson and kept another for herself. “Instead of grumbling, let’s start thinking about how good God is. For each grape we eat, let’s name one blessing He’s given us.” She grinned and popped a grape into her mouth. “I’m thankful for…the dishwasher.”
Greyson was about to protest, but Mom shook her head. “Oh, okay,” he said. “I’m thankful for, uh…I’m thankful you’re home.”
“So am I, and I’m thankful we have a place to live, and that I have a job.”
“These grapes are good,” said Greyson, eating another one, “but I’m thankful for the microwave so you can fix dinner fast. I’m hungry! Can we eat now?”
Mom laughed. “Yes, and I’m thankful that we have food to fix and that you and I have a heavenly Father who provides for us.”
“Me too, and…” Greyson hesitated. “And that Jesus saved us and will never leave us.”
Mom popped another grape into her mouth. “I’m thankful He knows what we’re going through and that we can give our burdens to Him.”
Greyson nodded. “He gives us everything we really need, doesn’t He?”
“He does.” Mom hugged Greyson. “And I’m thankful He’s given us each other too. We can encourage each other to count our blessings.”
-V. Louise Cunningham
How about you?
Do you get discouraged, lonely, or angry about difficult things in your life? When you feel overwhelmed by circumstances you have to deal with, try making a list of the blessings God has given you. When you remember His good gifts, especially His best gift of all—Jesus—you can give thanks even when things are hard.
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