Daily Devotional for February 20, 2020
Grandma’s Packages

Aiden and his mom watched as the bus screeched to a halt. A minute later, Grandma stepped off it.
“Thank you,” she said to one of the passengers, who placed her scarlet suitcase and several bags beside her before stepping back onto the bus.
“Look at all Grandma’s bags! Does she really need that many?” asked Aiden as the bus drove off.
“Well, we’re not sure how long she’ll be here, so she must have come prepared,” Mom answered. Aiden’s dad had recently left them, and Grandma was coming to stay with them for a while.
Mom dragged the large suitcase with wheels up the hill while Aiden and Grandma carried the other bags. “Phew!” said Aiden as he struggled up the hill in the scorching sun, wondering if they would ever reach their house. “How many things did you bring with you, Grandma?”
“Well, I wasn’t certain how long I’d be staying, so I’ve packed plenty of things.”
Aiden huffed and puffed his way up the hill and blew a sigh of relief when they arrived at the front door. Arms aching, he placed the packages on the table while Mom fixed them a snack.
“What a heavy load. Thank you for helping me,” Grandma said, biting into one of Mom’s delicious chocolate brownies. “Now I’m going to help you with your heavy load. I know this is a difficult time for you, and I will stay as long as you need me.”
She opened up the bags and pulled out an abundance of gifts—homemade cookies, pies, cakes, and groceries. She gave Aiden a large sketch pad and pencils as well as several jigsaw puzzles.
“Thank you,” Mom said, giving Grandma a hug.
“Yeah, thanks, Grandma,” Aiden said. “I didn’t know those heavy bags I carried were filled with so many gifts!”
Grandma nodded. “I hope you’ll remember that Jesus fills your life with gifts and blessings too, even during difficult times. He died and rose again to give you eternal life, and He’ll carry your burdens and troubles. You don’t have to face them on your own.”
“I already know of one gift He’s given us to help with this heavy burden,” Aiden said, giving Grandma a hug. “You!” Cindy Lee
How about you?
Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with the many problems you carry? Talk to Jesus and share your problems with Him. He carried the weight of your sin when He died on the cross, and He will carry your heavy burden. Trust Him to give you strength and encouragement in hard times, and share His gifts with others when they face difficulties in their lives.
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