Daily Devotional for May 21, 2017
Goodnight, Ringo

Luke and Rebecca’s new golden retriever puppy gnawed on an old shoe.
“Ringo sure played hard today,” Luke said. “He never rests!”
“Kids!” Mom called. “It’s time to put Ringo to bed.”
Luke and Rebecca had promised they would take care of their new puppy. This was Ringo’s first night with the family, and the kids were eager to keep their promise.
“Come on, Ringo,” said Rebecca. She lifted the puppy and carried him to the soft doggie bed at the end of the hall.
“Sleep tight,” said Luke, patting Ringo’s head. The puppy looked at the kids for a moment, then hopped out of the bed.
“Maybe he needs a blanket,” said Rebecca. Luke found an old quilt, and Rebecca tucked it around Ringo. The puppy looked at them with sad eyes.
“He’s still not happy,” said Luke.
“I heard a ticking clock helps new puppies sleep,” said Rebecca. “It sounds like the mama dog’s heartbeat.” She got an old alarm clock and buried it in the quilt.
Ringo lay in the bed, and his eyes began to close. The kids began tiptoeing down the hall when suddenly the puppy jumped out of bed and scampered after them.
“He’s lonely out here,” said Luke.
Rebecca nodded. “I think we can fix that.” They picked up Ringo’s doggie bed and took it down the hall to their room.
Ten minutes later, Ringo was sound asleep in his bed, his face nestled in the thick quilt, his ear pressed against the softly ticking clock. Luke looked down from the top bunk. “Ringo’s finally resting. He looks so peaceful.”
Rebecca smiled. “It’s kind of like the peace we get from God.”
“What do you mean?” asked Luke.
“Well, Ringo wasn’t able to rest until we moved him in here—he wasn’t at peace until he felt our presence. And when we feel Jesus’ presence, it gives us peace so we can rest too. And just like the blanket and clock helped Ringo feel loved and not alone, things like prayer, reading the Bible, and worshiping with other Christians remind us Jesus loves us and is with us and help us feel at peace.”
Luke watched Ringo breathe deeply. “Let’s say our prayers before we go to sleep. I want to feel that peace tonight!” – Jennifer Dillard
How about you?
What helps you feel the peace of God? Singing songs? Reading the Bible? Praying? When you feel anxious or worried, remember Jesus wants you to rest in Him. Jesus even promised that God will send the Holy Spirit to bring you peace! Find ways to remind yourself that Jesus loves you and is with you—praying, reading the Bible, singing and praising Him—and His comfort and rest will follow.
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