Daily Devotional for September 21, 2021
Goodbye and Hello

“Lucy! Stop barking!” scolded Oliver as he scooped the feisty terrier into his arms and hurried to the window. “Maybe Jacob is home!” Oliver peered out and then shook his head in disappointment. “It’s just the mailman,” he told his mom.
“Well, your brother will be here soon,” Mom assured him as she put the finishing touches on a chocolate cake. “Right now, would you please go and get the mail?”
As Oliver went down the driveway to the mailbox, his sister Jennie set the last two plates on the dining room table. “Mom,” she said with a sigh, “I feel kind of strange. I’m sad and happy at the same time! I’m excited about seeing Jacob and hearing his stories about college life, but I’m sad because the reason he’s coming home is to go to Grandma’s funeral.” Fresh tears glistened in her eyes.
Mom came to put her arm around Jennie. “I understand, honey. I loved Grandma so much, and I’m going to miss her terribly! But like you, I’m eager to see Jacob walk through that door and say hello.”
“Hello is a much happier word than goodbye, isn’t it?” said Jennie.
Mom nodded. “Just think, years ago Grandma trusted in Jesus as her Savior, so now while we’re saying goodbye to her, she’s saying hello to Jesus in heaven—and to Grandpa and other relatives and friends who’ve gone to heaven before her.” Mom paused and wiped away a tear.
Jennie’s face broke into a little smile as she pictured Grandma in heaven with Jesus and lots of people she loved but hadn’t seen for a long time. “We’ll join them someday, won’t we?” she said. “Then we’ll be saying hello to them again.”
Mom nodded. “Yes, we will. And even though we can’t see Jesus now, He’s with us. He understands the sadness we feel over losing Grandma and will help us say goodbye to her until we can say hello again.”
“Hey, Mom!” Oliver burst through the door. “I didn’t have to get the mail. Jacob got to the mailbox just before I did!” His grinning brother stepped into the room as Mom and Jennie rushed to envelop Jacob in a big hug. -Linda R. Stai
How about you?
You feel sad when someone you love dies, don’t you? That’s natural—you’ll miss them. But even while you’re sad, you can also be happy for those who know Jesus. For them, death is more than saying goodbye to loved ones left behind. It also means saying hello to Jesus and to all who’ve gone to heaven before them. Trust Jesus to help you say goodbye, knowing that one day you’ll get to say hello to Him and all your loved ones who trust in Him.
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