Daily Devotional for January 7, 2023
Good References

“Mom, look!” Max’s older brother Bankston held up a paper. “I’ve got an application to help Mr. Brock at his store. Since he’s new in town and doesn’t know any of us very well, he’s asking for references.”
“References?” echoed Max. “What are those?”
“Mr. Brock said I should list the names of a few people who know me well,” Bankston explained. “I wonder who I can list as a reference.”
“How about the Chens?” suggested Mom. “And maybe the Pearsons.”
Bankston looked a little sheepish. “I don’t know,” he said uncertainly. “I saw Mrs. Chen trying to load a heavy box into her car in the mall parking lot the other day, but I didn’t stop to help. I was in a hurry so I pretended I didn’t see her, but I think she knew I did. So I’m not sure I should ask her.”
“You better not ask Mr. Pearson either,” said Max. “He saw you push me when we were shoveling snow the other day.”
Bankston noticed his mom’s frown. “I’m sorry about that, Max,” he said. “I was wrong, and now I’m not sure who I’m going to ask to be a reference.”
“Well, I’ll help you brainstorm after dinner,” said Mom. “Let’s put the application away for now—it’s time to eat.”
After dinner, Mom took out her Bible and read from the book of Acts. “That was interesting,” she said when she finished. “It seems that Paul wanted to take Timothy with him on a missionary journey because of the good things Christians were saying about him in the town where Timothy lived.”
“Good references would really be important for a trip like that!” said Max. “Paul knew Timothy would make a good missionary because he loved the people in his town and wanted them to know about Jesus.”
Mom nodded. “Timothy was able to show others God’s love because he had the Holy Spirit living in him, and since we also trust in Jesus, we do too! The Holy Spirit works in our hearts so we can love others like Jesus does and tell people about Him. We don’t need to go on a missionary trip to share the love of Jesus—we can do that through our words and actions every day.”
-Phyllis M. Robinson
How about you?
Do you know that the reason we can love others is because God loved us first? Do your words and actions reflect Jesus’s love? Don’t forget that you have the Holy Spirit, who fills you with God’s love and is shaping you to be more like Jesus so others can see His love in your life. How can you show God’s love to others today?
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