Daily Devotional for October 17, 2020
Good Fruit

I’m hungry for a plum,” declared Jenna as she and her sister, Haley, helped their father pick peaches in the family’s orchard. “We’ve got lots of peaches. Wouldn’t it be nice to have some plums too?”
“Oh, just pretend they’re plums,” said Haley. “Close your eyes and think plum while you eat one. You’ll find they’re delicious.” She grinned mischievously at her sister. “Maybe you can find some peachy plums on this tree, Jenna.”
“Don’t be silly,” said Jenna. “This tree is plum full of peaches!” The girls giggled at their play on words.
“No plums from this tree?” asked Dad. “How about some bananas, then?”
“Dad!” exclaimed Jenna, rolling her eyes. “Bananas on a peach tree sounds even more ridiculous than plums on a peach tree.”
“It really isn’t though,” Dad said thoughtfully. “Both are equally ridiculous, because God has designed all trees and plants to produce their own kind of fruit. A peach tree will produce peaches, not bananas or plums. A plum tree will produce plums, and a banana tree will produce bananas.”
“Right, Dad. That’s pretty obvious,” remarked Haley dryly.
“Yes, it is,” Dad said. “We don’t seem to ever forget that, but what we do often forget is that Christians are like fruit trees for God. He designed us to produce…”
“Christians!” exclaimed Haley.
“We can’t do that,” objected Jenna. “We can’t produce Christians. Only Jesus can save a person and make them a Christian.”
Dad nodded. “That’s true, Jenna, but one meaning for the word Christian is ‘like Christ,’ or ‘Christ-like.’ If the things we do and the words we say are like things Jesus Christ would do and say, others can see what He’s like through us.”
“And we’ll be showing the fruit of the Spirit, like we read in our devotion time this morning, won’t we?” asked Jenna.
“That’s right,” said Dad. “The fruit the Holy Spirit gives us, like kindness, patience, and self-control, shows others what Jesus is like. When we follow the Spirit’s leading and display His fruit in our lives, we point people to Jesus.” • Holly F. Cepeda
How about you?
What kind of fruit do people see in your life? Do they see love? Joy? Peace? All the other things listed as fruit of the Spirit? If you’re a Christian, the Holy Spirit produces that fruit in your life, and when you follow His leading, your words and actions point to Jesus. Let God’s good fruit show in your life so others can see who He is.
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