Daily Devotional for January 17, 2020
Good Advice

“How about this quote?” Kenton asked as he and Grandpa read a book together about Benjamin Franklin. Kenton’s homework was to write down two of Ben Franklin’s famous quotes. “‘Haste makes waste.’ What does that mean, Grandpa?”
“Well, I think it means that when you hurry to get a job done, often you make careless mistakes,” said Grandpa. “It’s better to take your time and do the job right the first time.”
Kenton nodded in agreement. “What about this one? ‘Well done is better than well said.’”
Grandpa thought for a moment. “I think that means people judge us more by how we act than by what we say. For instance, we can say it’s good to be generous, but if we never share anything with anybody, then our words really don’t mean much.”
“Ben Franklin sure had a lot of good advice for people,” said Kenton. “I wonder how he got to be so smart?”
“Franklin was a very smart man with a lot of good advice, but true wisdom always comes from God’s Word,” Grandpa said. “We need to make sure the advice we follow agrees with what the Bible says. The wisest man who ever lived, King Solomon, wrote a whole book of the Bible full of wise advice.”
“Oh, I know which one that is—Proverbs!” Kenton said.
“That’s right. But even before Solomon became king, his father, King David, gave him some very good advice. King David was old and about to die, and he wanted to make sure Solomon followed God. He advised Solomon to obey God’s commands and walk with Him faithfully. A little while later, God spoke to Solomon in a dream and said, ‘Ask for whatever you want and I’ll give it to you.’ Do you know what Solomon asked for?”
“Lots of money?” Kenton guessed.
“Nope!” Grandpa chuckled. “He asked for wisdom because he remembered his father’s advice to follow God. Solomon knew he needed God’s wisdom to lead the nation of Israel. We also need God’s wisdom to live our lives—the wisdom He gives us in the Bible and through His Son, Jesus. If something we’re advised to do goes against the wisdom God gives us as His children, then it’s not good advice.” -Kendra Angle
How about you?
Have you ever read advice columns in magazines or online? While other people’s advice can sometimes be helpful, we need to remember that if the advice doesn’t line up with what God’s Word says is true, then we shouldn’t follow it. The Bible is the only place we can find true wisdom. Trust God to give you wisdom as you read His Word and follow Jesus.
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