Daily Devotional for October 27, 2017
Gone for Good

With her sidewalk chalk, India colored in the flowers she had drawn along the edge of the driveway. Then she stood back and frowned.
Dad came out of the house and smiled at India. “What lovely flowers!” he said. “And I won’t even have to water them.”
“No, but I’m going to,” said India. “I want them a different color.” Taking the garden hose, she aimed the stream of water at her artwork. WHOOSH! All traces of chalk soon disappeared down the driveway.
India grinned at Dad. “Now I can start all over,” she said. “Cool, huh?”
“That is pretty cool,” said Dad. “That’s a picture of what Jesus does for us. He gives us a chance to start over when we confess our sin to Him.”
“Oh, great,” India said, rolling her eyes. “I can already see my chalk flowers are going to be used in a sermon!”
Dad grinned. “Well, that’s what happens when you have a pastor for a dad!” He nodded toward the wet spot on the driveway. “Where are the flowers you drew?”
“They’re gone,” India replied, “and I know what you’re going to say—that when we confess our sins, they’re gone too.”
“That’s right,” said Dad. “Now bring those flowers back for a minute.”
“I can’t!” India said. “They’re washed down the drain, and they don’t exist anymore.”
Dad smiled. “They’re gone, never to be seen again. That’s what happens to our sins when we confess them to Jesus and turn away from them. He forgives and forgets them. The Bible says He removes them from us as far as the east is from the west!”
“But sometimes I still go over them in my mind—even after I tell Jesus I’m sorry,” India said.
Dad nodded. “Sometimes it’s hard for us to forget the bad things we’ve done, and even after confessing them, we wonder how God can forgive and forget them. When that happens, ask Jesus to help you remember His promise to always forgive your sins and remove them.”
“And thank Him for letting me start over,” added India. “Just like I’m going to do with these flowers!” Chalk in hand, she began drawing again on a dry section of the driveway. – Hazel W. Marett
How about you?
Have you done something wrong? If you trust in Jesus, He’s already taken the punishment for all your sins, and He promises to forgive any sin and remove it from your life. When you do something wrong, tell Him and ask Him to forgive you. Even if you think of the bad thing you did again, He won’t—it’s gone forever! Then you can start over, depending on Him to help you do what’s right.
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