Daily Devotional for July 25, 2019
God’s Quiz

“I just created a quiz to post on my social media page,” Payton’s uncle told him. “Want to give it a try?”
“Sure,” said Payton. He took Uncle Tim’s phone and
looked at the screen: Take this quiz to see if you will go to heaven.
First question: Have you trusted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
Payton felt uncomfortable. Uncle Tim often talked to him
about trusting Jesus. After a moment’s hesitation, he hit the “No” button.
Then the quiz went through a series of questions about church attendance, grades, community projects, and gifts to charities. Good! I’ve done most of these things, Payton thought, and by the end of the quiz, he was satisfied with his answers. I’ve done lots of good stuff, he thought. I should get a pretty high score.
A message popped up on the screen: Your quiz score is 0. Your score indicates that you will not go to heaven. See Romans 3:23 for details.
“What! My score is 0?” Payton couldn’t believe it. He pressed the verse link and read, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
Payton angrily put down the phone. “I had good answers for most of those questions!” he told his uncle. “How can your quiz tell me I’m not going to heaven?”
“It’s important to know that this is God’s quiz and His answer, not mine,” Uncle Tim told him. “If you could answer yes to the first question, it would tell you your score was too high to calculate and point you to Romans 6:23, which says, ‘For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.’”
“You mean, no matter how I answered the other questions, it wouldn’t have made any difference when I got to the end?” Payton asked.
“None at all,” said Uncle Tim. “I set it up that way because the Bible says trusting in Jesus is the only way a person can be saved from sin and have eternal life.”
Payton sighed. “You’ve told me that before, but I still thought going to church and doing good things helped me get to heaven. Maybe you’d better explain it to me again.” Sherry L. Kuyt
How about you?
Would you pass God’s quiz? People may tell you that the good things you do determine whether or not you’ll go to heaven, but that’s not what God says. He says the only way to have eternal life is through His Son, Jesus Christ. Do you trust Jesus as your Savior? The answer to that question is the important one. The only way to get it right is to accept His free gift of salvation. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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