Daily Devotional for June 5, 2022
God’s Good Plan

On Saturday afternoon, twin sisters Becca and Annie headed for the park. It was Annie’s favorite place to go on a sunny day. At the top of a hill, Becca tightened her grip on the handlebars of Annie’s wheelchair. If she let go, Annie would go speeding down the sidewalk and land in the busy road below.
When they reached the bottom, they crossed the road at the stoplight. Inside the park, Becca pushed Annie along the pathway to the lake, where Becca’s two friends were waiting for them. Both girls gave Annie a big hug. Becca and her classmates had a lot to talk about. They tossed bread to the ducks and practiced chin-ups on the playground equipment. Annie couldn’t join in, but she smiled big, and Becca knew she liked watching them goof around.
When they got home, Mom put Annie on her bed to stretch her legs. “Let’s have some lemonade and gingersnaps,” she said when she returned to the kitchen.
“Yes, please!” Becca got out some gingersnaps and put them on a plate. “Mom, why did God make Annie so she couldn’t play and talk? It isn’t fair!”
Her mom sat down. “You’re right. It isn’t fair. But, until Jesus returns, this is a broken world. Often we can’t change the bad things that happen, as much as we might want to. But God is always good and just, and He is working out His plan to fix our broken world through His Son, Jesus. We have to trust His plan.”
Becca hung her head. “But we’re twins, and she can’t do things I can. I hate that.”
“I know,” said Mom. “One day, Jesus will make Annie be able to speak and walk. Until then, He will continue to love her and take care of her. One way He does that is through the family He’s given her who love her and help her through her difficulties. He gave her you so you could grow up alongside her and help put a smile on her face—and so she could put a smile on yours.”
Becca thought for a moment. “You know, Mom, I think Annie helps us as much as we help her!”
Mom gave her a big hug. “That’s God’s plan!”
-Bonnie Carr
How about you?
Do you wonder why bad things happen to people? Why some people are blind or deaf, or unable to walk or talk? God created a perfect world, but it became broken because of sin. Jesus died to pay for our sins, and when He returns, He will restore the earth to what He created it to be and give Christians perfect bodies. Until then, He wants us to love and help each other. Trust Him to carry out His good plan.
Today's Verse
We have sufferings now, but these are nothing compared to the great glory that will be given to us. (ERV) Romans 8:18 NKJV
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