Daily Devotional for June 17, 2019

God’s Creation

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
God’s Creation

Today's Verse

Psalm 139:11–18; Matthew 10:30 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

Noah ran out to meet his father when he saw his car pull into the driveway. “Hey, Dad! Did you see the picture I sent you? Sheba had her puppies!”

“Yes, I saw it. That’s great! How many does she have?” asked Dad.

“Seven,” replied Noah. “Come see them.” He led the way out to the dog house where Sheba and her new family were cuddled up on a warm, soft blanket. “Good girl,” Noah said as he patted Sheba’s head gently. “What pretty babies you have!”

“Let’s see—three black, two brown, and two yellow,” said Dad. After watching the pups for a few minutes, they heard Mom calling them in

for supper.

As they ate, Noah and his little sister, Thea, talked excitedly about the puppies. “All their eyes are closed,” said Noah.

“Puppies are always born with their eyes closed,” said Dad. “Their ears are closed too. In about ten days the pups will begin to see and hear.”

“Were my eyes closed when I was born?” Noah wanted to know.

Mom and Dad chuckled. “No, Noah. Your eyes were open,” Mom told him. “But you slept a lot, just like the pups will. God knows babies need lots of sleep.”

“Did God know how many puppies Sheba would have?” asked Thea.

“He sure did,” said Dad. “He created Sheba and the pups too. He created everything—including you!”

“Did He know what I would be like?” Thea asked. “Did He know I’d like horses and books and stuff like that?”

Dad nodded. “The Bible tells us God knew us even before we were born. He knew all about you then, and He knows all about you now. And He loves you! He sent His Son, Jesus, to save you, and He will always take care of you.”

“God even knows how many hairs you have on your head,” added Mom.

Noah grinned. “Well, at least it must be getting a little easier to keep track of yours, Dad,” he said, laughing as he rubbed Dad’s balding head.

Mom and Dad laughed too. “All right, Mr. Smarty-Pants.” Dad stood up. “If you’ve finished eating, let’s go check on the new family in the backyard.” •Deborah L. Whitsitt

How about you?

Did you know that you are important to God? Even before you were born, God knew what you would look like, what things would interest you, and what talents you would have. He created you and knows all about you, and He loves you very much—so much that He sent Jesus to save you from sin. He takes care of you each day. You’re special to Him.

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