Daily Devotional for August 12, 2018
God’s Creation

After church, Freya and Mom climbed into the car. “I liked my class today,” Freya said. “It was lots of fun.”
“Good,” said Mom. “Tell me about it.”
“We learned about a Bible story, and we sang some songs.” Freya began to hum one of them.
Mom grinned. “I know that song! I think it’s one of the first ones you learned. Let’s sing it.” So together they sang the words: “Jesus loves me, this I know.”
Freya stopped singing and looked at her mom. “Does God really love me?” she asked.
“Of course He does!” Mom said. “God loves you very much.”
“Why?” asked Freya. “Why does He love me?”
“Well, think of it this way.” Mom pointed to a drawing Freya held in her hand. “I see you have a picture full of flowers and trees and nice green grass. That picture is special to you, isn’t it? Why do you like it so much?”
Freya looked at her drawing. “I made it in class today,” she said proudly.
Mom smiled and nodded. “It’s something like that with God. He made us, and that’s one reason why we’re very special to Him. It’s one of the reasons He loves us.”
“So God loves me the way I love my picture?” Freya asked.
“Well, I know your picture is special to you, but you know what? You’re more special to God than that. Much more! He loves you even more than I do.”
Freya gazed at her picture. “Wow,” she said. “That’s a lot, isn’t it, Mom?”
“Yes, it is,” said Mom. “God loves us all so much He even sent Jesus, His very own Son, to die to save us from sin. That’s another reason He loves us—because we belong to Him. When we trust in Jesus, He makes us new people and gives us special jobs to do in His Kingdom. The Bible calls us His handiwork—His masterpiece or artwork.”
When they got home, Mom helped Freya put her artwork on her bedroom wall where she could see it every morning when she woke up. And every morning it reminded her that God made her and how much He loved her. – Karen E. Cogan
How about you?
Is there something that’s special to you because you made it? Well, God made you, and you’re very special to Him. In fact, God loves you so much He sent His Son to die so you could belong to Him. Do you love Him too? Have you trusted Jesus as your Savior? Don’t wait any longer. Put your trust in the one who made you and loves you. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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