Daily Devotional for March 2, 2023
God “Toadally” Cares

Lucy wiped the sweat off her forehead. “Can we take a break? I’m so thirsty I could drink a giant cup of lemonade.”
“We’re just about done,” Mom replied. “Did you finish pulling out all the weeds in your section of the flower garden?”
Lucy stood and stretched her back. “Just finished.”
“Great job,” Mom said. When she returned her gaze to the ground, she gasped in surprise. She waved at Lucy. “Hurry, come quick!”
Lucy scurried over and knelt down. She stared at the base of a rosebush where Mom was pointing. As soon as Lucy saw the toad, her eyes lit up with delight. “Oh, wow! He’s so big. I’m going to call him Big Fred.”
Mom smiled. “That’s a great name.”
Lucy leaned forward to take a closer look at the brown toad. She could see his sides heaving in and out as he breathed. After a moment, she turned to her mother. “Do you think God cares about Big Fred?”
“That’s a great question,” Mom replied. “The Bible tells us that God cares for sparrows. That means He cares about other animals as well.”
“Plus, He made all the animals,” Lucy added. “Since He made them, then they must be important to Him.”
Mom slowly stood to her feet. “That’s right. But do you know who else God cares about?”
“Who?” asked Lucy.
“You, of course!” Mom held out her hand and helped Lucy to her feet. “God made many spectacular things. Think of all the beautiful waterfalls, the majestic mountains, and the amazing animals. But God cares about people the most. He loves us so much that Jesus became one of us so we could be saved from sin and live with Him forever.”
“That sure makes me feel important,” Lucy said.
Mom nodded. “Well, you ready?”
Lucy looked at her mom with a curious expression. “Ready for what?”
“Lemonade! That sure does sound good.”
As Lucy and her mom walked toward the house, Lucy waved goodbye to Big Fred. She smiled when she saw him hop away. “I’m so glad that God cares about Big Fred,” Lucy said. “And that He also cares about me.”
-Mark and Megan Wainwright
How about you?
Do you know that you’re important to God? He cares for all of His creation, but you’re more important to Him than any plant or animal. God created people in His own image, and when we rebelled and separated ourselves from Him, Jesus became human and died for us so we could have eternal life with Him. That’s how much He loves you. Always remember how important you are to Him.
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