Daily Devotional for September 29, 2022
Gimme! Gimme!

“Did you enjoy working in the nursery this morning, Kylee?” Mom asked as they headed home after church.
“I did—except for one little kid named Jalen,” Kylee replied. “The only thing he said all morning was gimme! ‘Gimme that toy. Gimme a juice box. Gimme, gimme, gimme!’”
Kylee’s brother Micah grinned. “Sounds like you,” he teased.
Kylee rolled her eyes. “Jalen doesn’t appreciate anything you do for him or give him,” she said. “Somebody should teach that kid to say thank you. Instead, the minute he gets what he wanted, he wants something else!”
“That’s what two-year-olds are often like,” Mom told her.
“In fact, it’s what all of us are like sometimes,” said Dad. “What Micah suggested isn’t so far from the truth.”
Kylee’s mouth dropped open. “Dad!” She didn’t like being compared to a two-year-old.
Dad laughed. “Relax, Kylee, I’m not just talking about you. I’m talking about all of us. We can all have a ‘gimme’ attitude at times—adults included.”
“Adults?” Micah laughed. “They ask for juice boxes?”
“Well, maybe not that,” said Mom. “But does this sound familiar? ‘Dear God, please help me find a new job…and help the kids study hard and get good grades in school.’”
“And help me get a hit in our next ball game!” Micah chimed in.
“And help me eat healthier and exercise,” added Dad with a grin.
Kylee laughed. “We all ask for a lot, don’t we? I guess the world must seem like a great big nursery to God.”
“You may be right,” said Dad. “But even if we sound like a nursery full of small children, we’re God’s children, and Jesus tells us to bring our troubles and concerns to Him in prayer. He loves us and promises to help us with our problems. When we bring Him our requests, we should also remember to thank Him for saving us from sin and answering our prayers.”
“I know I’d like to hear thank you from Jalen once in a while,” said Kylee. “I guess working in the nursery will help me be more thankful when I ask Jesus for things.”
“That’s one thing we can all ask Jesus to give us right now,” said Dad. “A thankful heart.”
-Heather M. Tekavec
How about you?
How do you sound when you talk to God? Do you sound like a little kid who asks for one thing after another and doesn’t seem to appreciate what he has? Or do you take time to thank Jesus for all He’s done for you? God loves you and wants to give you good gifts. Bring your problems and requests to Him in prayer, but do it with a heart full of gratitude for all He has given you.
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