Daily Devotional for April 4, 2019
Gift of Blood

“We’ve done this operation many times, and it’s rather routine,” Evie’s doctor assured her and her parents. “You may need a blood transfusion, Evie, and you have a rare blood type. The good news is that your dad has the same blood type as you do. We’ll have some of his blood on hand in case you need it.” Evie’s dad nodded and gave her hand a squeeze.
Everything went well during Evie’s surgery—and she did need some of the blood her father had donated. “You’re doing great!” Dr. Winters said when she came to see Evie the next day. “You’re going to be as good as new.”
“Even better than new,” Dad said with a wink after Dr. Winters had left. “After all, you have some of my blood running through your veins now.”
Evie smiled at her dad’s joke. “Thanks, Dad.”
Dad grinned at her. “Anytime! You know, this made me think about what we talked about in church a few weeks ago—do you remember? You didn’t understand what the pastor meant when he talked about Jesus’ blood being shed to save the world. Well, this is a little like that.”
“It is?” asked Evie. “How?”
“Well, I gave some of my blood for you, and in a way, it gave you new life. You wouldn’t have survived without it. Because we are sinners, the Bible says we were dead in our sin before we knew Jesus—we had no life spiritually. But Jesus gave His blood for the whole world so everyone could be forgiven and have new life.” Dad smiled at Evie. “I was happy to donate my blood because I love you. And Jesus loves all of us so much, He willingly gave His blood by dying on the cross so we could be saved. I know it seems complicated, but does that help a little?”
“Yes, I think I understand it a little better now,” Evie said. “Thank you for loving me so much, Dad!”
Dad squeezed her hand. “Let’s also both thank Jesus for loving us as much as He does.”
How about you?
Did you know that Jesus shed His blood for the whole world? Do you realize that includes you? Without a blood transfusion, some surgery patients could die. Without accepting Jesus’ gift of blood that washes away sin, no one can have new life and spend eternity with Him. Trust in Jesus as your Savior, and thank Him for the great sacrifice He made for you.
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