Daily Devotional for June 30, 2020
Getting Bumped

“You jerk!” yelled Adrian. “You spilled your orange juice on my art project, Isaac. Now I’ll have to do it all over again.” Adrian snatched up his paper. “I wish you weren’t my brother!”
“I’m sorry,” Isaac said, tears filling his eyes.
“Hey!” Adrian’s voice got louder. “That’s not orange juice. It’s orange soda! How come you got orange soda and I didn’t?”
Hurrying into the kitchen, Mom confronted her angry son. “Adrian, you know better than to call your brother names,” she said sternly.
“Well, Isaac messed up my art project,” said Adrian. “Besides, how come he got soda and I got orange juice? The glasses looked the same.”
“There was one glass of orange soda left over from his birthday party yesterday,” said Mom, “so I said he could have it. But you’re right—they looked the same. You didn’t notice what was inside the glass until it got bumped. Just like we didn’t notice what was inside you until you got bumped.”
Adrian shook his head. “Isaac didn’t bump me. He bumped his glass, and it spilled all over my art project.”
“I know,” said Mom, “but when something happens to mess up our plans or efforts, it’s like a bump that pushes us off course.”
Adrian looked confused. “What do you mean?” he asked.
“When things don’t go our way, whatever is inside our hearts spills out. If our hearts are filled with patience and kindness, gentle words come out. But if we harbor bad attitudes or anger, harsh words spill out instead.” Mom raised her eyebrows. “Isaac spilled punch, but you spilled harsh words. Which one is worse?”
Adrian looked at the floor. Then he turned to his brother. “I’m sorry I got mad at you and called you a mean name,” he said. “Will you forgive me?”
Isaac nodded happily. “I can help you with your art project if you want.” “Okay!” Adrian said. “But first I think I should ask Jesus to forgive me too.” Mom nodded. “He will—and He’ll also help you remember that He’s filled your heart with His love so it can spill over onto others through your words.” LINDA R. STAI
How about you?
What comes out when you get bumped—when things don’t go right for you? If you have a selfish, impatient attitude, confess it to Jesus. Remember that He’s filled your heart with patience, kindness, and understanding—the kind of love He has for each of us. Then when you get bumped, trust Him to help you let others see His love coming out from within you.
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